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    15 March 2020, Volume 52 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    On the Possibility of an Intellectual History
    SANG Bing
    2020, 52 (2):  1-12.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.001
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    There is an inherent dilemma in the intellectual historiography, that is, to follow the intellectual logic or the historical connection. Generally speaking, it is characterized by intellectual blurriness in China due to the shortage of metaphysical and abstract way of thinking. A remark made by a thinker normally contains its specific signifier and signified, which varies from person to person, from place to place and from time to time. New foreign knowledge has poured into China since the modern times. However, very few doctrines have been developed systematically. It is a problem for the intellectual historiography to reconcile new foreign concepts and theories with old Chinese concepts and material. The intellectual historiography shall explain the disorder and fragmental condition of the intellectual history or construct a new order and system. If it is compiled according to the similarity of texts while ignoring the original space-time connections of ideas, an intellectual history may be inconsistent with the ideas of every thinker and it is nothing but a history in the author's mind. However, an intellectual history will be so scattered to blur the origin and evolution of thought if it pays too much attention to the complexity of history. It needs our efforts to balance history and logic to achieve an ideal intellectual historiography.
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    On the Intellectual Approach and Development in FENG Qi's Research of the History of Chinese Philosophy
    LI Wei-wu
    2020, 52 (2):  13-25.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.002
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    The 1980s witnessed the transformation of the research paradigm of the history of Chinese philosophy. During this period, FENG Qi and LI Ze-hou created two representative cases based on their different understandings of Marxism. While LI Ze-hou advocated "returning to historical materialism", FENG Qi constructed his "doctrine of wisdom". It is based on the "doctrine of wisdom" that FENG Qi's research of the history of philosophy has taken a unique intellectual approach and achieved its internal development. FENG first expounds the "logic development" of the history of ancient Chinese philosophy, then elaborates the "revolutionary process" of the history of modern Chinese philosophy, and finally extends to the history of intellectual trends in modern Chinese society.
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    Continuously Cultivating One's Nature to Approach Freedom: On FENG Qi's Philosophical Writing of WANG Fu-zhi
    LIU Liang-jian
    2020, 52 (2):  26-33.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.003
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    By examining FENG Qi's philosophical writing of WNAG Fu-zhi, we can see the process of the interaction between FENG's research of the history of philosophy and his construction of a philosophical theory. While modifying the draft of The Logic Development of Ancient Chinese Philosophy, FENG was writing The Dialects of Logic Thinking as well. There lies complex mutual interaction between these two works. FENG's creative interpretation of WANG Fu-zhi's doctrine of nature cultivation has gradually transformed from a historical object to an organic element of his own philosophy. Meanwhile, there is another kind of mutual interaction between history and philosophy in FENG, that is, philosophy as the unfolding of the history of philosophy. FENG becomes more and more self-aware in continuing the unfinished course of modern Chinese philosophy through his own philosophizing. In questioning on how to overcome dogmatism and how to achieve human freedom, he is also participating in the unfolding of the third "round" of Chinese philosophy(Xunzi-WANG Fu-zhi-sinicization of Marxism). As far as the tradition of ancient Chinese philosophy is concerned, the "doctrine of wisdom" represents a modern doctrine of qi to some extent, highlighting the monism of qi(vital energy) developed by Xunzi, ZHANG Zai and WANG Fu-zhi while absorbing some theoretical elements from the mind-heart school of LU Jiu-yuan and WANG Yang-ming. With its open mind, the "doctrine of wisdom" participates in the intellectual disputation of different schools in the world. Its perspective of the world philosophy remains as an important spiritual legacy for contemporary Chinese philosophers. To continuously cultivate our nature to approach freedom-this is still not accomplished.
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    The Standard of Official Selection and Its New Trend in the Late Qing Dynasty
    GUAN Xiao-hong
    2020, 52 (2):  34-47.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.004
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    In the drastic social change in the late Qing Dynasty, the trend of official selection and appointment was closely related to the selection of talents, which experienced three stages that moved forward one by one. Since the reigns of Emperors Daoguang and Xianfeng, the imperial court of the Qing Dynasty had adopted the new standard of "being capable of handling affairs with steadfast and persistent quality" to appoint officials in order to adapt to the changing situations, which broke the long-lasting selecting rules of the Ministry of Official Personnel Affairs. However, the tight financial condition and the practice of favoritism of recommenders led to unfavorable consequences such as bribery, excessive appointment and then poor official management. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, in despair to save the nation from extinction, the court and the commonality doubted the validity of imperial examinations and believed that the Western learning was "useful". The imperial court confirmed this idea and adopted the criterion of Western disciplines. Reforming the official selecting system and adopting new policy, each ministry and province continually selected students graduated from new schools and those who had studied abroad. Capability of handling affairs, specialized knowledge and technologies became the main criterions for talent selection. The tradition of emphasizing candidates' virtues, their practice and understanding of the theories of the sages in the past since the Sui and Tang Dynasties was discarded. This overcorrection is featured by fickleness, seeking quick success and instant benefits, which has had inestimable impact on the style of study, officials' behaviors and public morals for more than one hundred years.
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    Methods and Empirical Evidences: A Restudy of Land Allocation in Modern China
    LIU Zhi
    2020, 52 (2):  48-59.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.005
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    The allocation of land right in modern times needs to be restudied with an improved research method. Three factors, namely, public land, one piece of land shared by two owners and households without land have great impact on the statistics of the allocation of land right, which have usually caused the overestimate of the intensity of land right allocation. Removing the impact of these factors, this paper modifies Gini Coefficient of land right allocation in some regions and finds that the overestimated intensity of land right allocation in southern regions such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong declines to a great extent. In terms of the intensity of land right allocation in modern China as a whole, there is no great difference between the north and the south, and the overall allocation is quite average in most areas.
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    Humanistic Governance Based on Humanistic Education: Its Theory and Practice
    LIU Jian-jun, DENG Li
    2020, 52 (2):  60-73.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.006
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    How to realize good governance of a society is an important issue discussed heatedly in the academic circle, and the governance theory which originated in the West has an important impact on governance practice in contemporary China. The mainstream governance theory can be divided into four styles which respectively emphasize power, institution, technology and relationship. However, after the World War Ⅱ, governance theory as well as its evolution is deeply dominated by Western "democratic" ideology. It ignores the construction of the value and norms of subjectivity, creates the tension between citizens' rights and obligations and finally produces internal risks and leads to governance failure. In view of this, this paper puts forward the concept of humanistic governance. Humanistic governance is a governance based on humanism and emphasizes the construction of the value and norms of subjectivity. It has rich intellectual sources in history. Ontologically, it upholds the moral nature of human beings and its possible construction. In content, it includes three dimensions, namely, values, personality traits and norms of behavior. Functionally, it belongs to source governance and long-term governance, having a positive externality effect in the sense of supporting and consolidating other governance practices. Moreover, the case of "the co-construction of humanistic quality" shows that the practice of humanistic governance can improve humanistic quality and achieve the goal of cultivating ideal citizens. Therefore, establishing a humanistic society through humanistic governance will be an important way to break through the limitations of Western governance theories and realize the ideal of good governance.
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    The Polyphonic Narrative of Qualitative Research
    MA Wei-na
    2020, 52 (2):  74-83.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.007
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    The complexity of education reform makes researchers realize that the self-awareness of the research method is necessary. However, the research method is essentially nothing but a kind of supplement to the way of living in the world. The special archival world in France in the 16th century is not only a frozen silent world for the time being comprised of different individuals and groups, but also the living scene and social scenarios in another sense. The underlying narrative of the archival world "fictionalizes" the dynamic and vivid polyphonic world of static history between the way of splicing the world, the narrative technique and the narrative itself, as well as between the silence and sound. The educational reform in the "deep water region" is so complex that it is like both the deep vein of history penetrating into the marrow and the daily world that can be reached. It is like both the delicate underlying structure and the simple technic program that can be picked up at random. This intriguing depth of complexity brings not only a distinctive polyphonic flavor that is not the same as at the beginning of the reform, but the possibility of qualitative research on polyphonic narration which can be found in "other parts", "emotions in the parentheses" and "monologue clearing". The polyphonic world is the unfinished world and the contradictory world in the depth of human nature. Polyphonic narration is not only an "alternative" narrative pattern in qualitative research, but also a deep description of the world's complexity and tension.
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    Methodological Construction of a Poetic Dialogue in the Age of Distant Reading
    LIU Yun-hua
    2020, 52 (2):  84-94.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.008
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    Firstly put forward by Franco Moretti, an Italian American scholar, the concept of "distant reading" refers to interpreting and explaining the development and change of the internal factors of literature and the main reasons with the help of the external forces of literature revealed by a large number of data statistics in longue durée. In this paper, this concept is employed to refer to a reading way in the age of "post-print domination". In the age of distant reading, the powerful energy of "digital humanities" is bound to reshape the academic structure fundamentally. The academic community should construct a new reading ethics and methodology for this academic situation. Taking poetics as the object and drawing upon Paul Ricoeur, François Jullien and other thinkers, this paper attempts to construct "spiritual ‘face-to-face’" in the sense of working platform, so that we can overcome the inevitable "non-objectivity" accompanied by frame-style "poetic comparison" on the one hand, and provide space for the future creation of poetics on the other.
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    “The Great American Novel” and the Construction-Reflection-Reconstruction of American National Identity
    SUN Lu
    2020, 52 (2):  95-104.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.009
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    Benedict Anderson once defined a modern nation-state as "the imagined community" and highlighted the significance of novel in the formation of collective imagination and the construction of national identity. In particular, those works with typical national features, representing collective memories thus resonating among readers actively, interact with the nation-state in the process of their mutual construction. In the case of the United States, "the Great American Novel" has played an important role in the construction-reflection-reconstruction of American national identity. Coined in 1868, the concept of "the Great American Novel" has been evaluated from different aesthetical perspectives, including realism, romance, and multicultural revision, exemplifying the constant efforts of literary critics to demonstrate the Americanness of American literature. With respect to its theme and content, "the Great American Novel" has paid special attention to "the American Dream", in particular in terms of its disillusionment, contributing a distinctive self-retrospection on American national identity. At the turn of the 21st century, "the Great American Novel" undergoes a "post-ethnic" and "neo-realist" turn, which spares no efforts to reconstruct American national identity when "the American century" draws to a close.
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    “How to Train Writers”: On a Creative Writing Workshop as a Teaching Method
    XU Dao-jun
    2020, 52 (2):  105-112.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.010
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    As a teaching method, a creative writing workshop is comprised of teachers, students, teaching assistants and external experts, etc. Its teaching content mainly consists of explaining writing knowledge and techniques, discussing students' works and individuals' writing practice. Its teaching objectives are to acquire writing knowledge, improve creativity and writing ability and accomplish literary works. All of these three aspects are essential for a creative writing workshop. From organizing a workshop, stirring up the activeness of participants, observing the disciplines of the workshop, to accomplishing teaching tasks and realizing teaching objectives-the whole link and multi-dimension collaboration and interaction of these factors form the operation mechanism of a workshop. The workshop teaching method puts forward strict requirements for the expertise and scientificity of writing teaching. However, less effective reflection on or improvement of this teaching method, caused by the tradition of creative writing discipline that underscores practice while neglects theory, has existed for a long time. Its many practical problems have also resulted in its negative effect and reputation. In order to optimize the teaching method of a creative writing workshop, we ought to first of all examine the content factors and operation mechanism of a creative writing workshop and reflect on its existing problems and their causes.
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    KANG You-wei and LIANG Qi-chao's Understanding of Parliament during the Reform Movement of 1898
    MAO Hai-jian
    2020, 52 (2):  113-126.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.011
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    KANG You-wei and LIANG Qi-chao's understanding of parliament during the Reform Movement of 1898 was essentially different from the modern Western doctrine of parliament. The resource of their idea of parliament was Chinese Confucian classics and Chinese history. This shows that KANG and LIANG did not have a full understanding of the modern Western system of parliament, so that they compared it with Chinese classics in a random way due to their misunderstandings. Even if it is reasonable to claim that "the Reform Movement of 1898 learned from Western system and thought", we must say what had been learn is merely the appearance since KANG and LIANG did not master the essence of Western political system and thought.
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    The Social Customs in the View of Western Missionaries in Modern China: A Case Study of Henri Doré's Series of Researches into Chinese Superstitions
    GAO You-peng
    2020, 52 (2):  127-137.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.012
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    Missionaries undoubtedly made great contributions to cultural and intellectual exchange and development in modern China. In order to introduce Christianity to Chinese people more effectively based on the similarities between Western and Chinese cultures, some Western missionaries focused on the investigation and understanding of social customs and folk literature in China. Among them, Henri Doré was a representative who attempted to understand, study and record the social life and customs in China. When he came to China in 1884, Henri Doré started to investigate the social life and customs as well as folk literature in Shanghai, Jiangsu and An'hui, etc. and finally complied a series of Researches into Chinese Superstitions in a great number of volumes. In effect, Western missionaries' investigating and understanding from the perspective of the other has formed a special type of modern Chinese social ethnography, which contains not only concrete records but also a unique style of culture theory with Western missionaries' particular understanding from the other's angle.
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    On the Special Collection of Paper Gods at Columbia University from the Perspective of the “Standard for Shrine Preservation or Demolition” in the Republic of China: Also on New Year Pictures as Historical Material
    LI Ming-jie
    2020, 52 (2):  138-146.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.013
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    Folk images can be interpreted as "historical material" with the mutual illustration of pictures and history. This may provide folk pictorial evidences for explaining the historical logic of political and cultural revolutions, and the development of production and life. The special collection of Chinese paper gods at Columbia University has not yet been introduced in the Chinese academia. Regarding the "Standard for Shrine Preservation or Demolition" issued by the government of the Republic of China as the cultural background to interpret this collection, this paper makes an overall examination of this cherished collection and takes folk pictures as evidences to trace back the tension and balance between national will and folk faith in the historical transition period of China in the early 20th century.
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    The Role of “Paihua” and “Foniang” in the Non-governmental Inheritance of the Tongli's Speaking-singing Art of Xuanjuan
    HUANG Ya-xin, CHEN Qin-jian
    2020, 52 (2):  147-160.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.014
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    As national intangible cultural heritage, "Tongli Xuanjuan" is a traditional fork speaking-singing art with local music features. Selected as "intangible cultural heritage", "Tongli Xuanjuan" has gained a legal room for survival and new vitality for development. However, the inheritance of this folk art needs not only governmental support, but also non-governmental assistance. As a form of local folk art, "Tongli Xuanjuan" has its own non-governmental way of inheritance. As important non-governmental elements of inheritance, "Paihua", which is similar to a broker, and "Foniang", which literally means a "Buddhist Lady", have played a significant role in the inheritance of "Tongli Xuanjuan" in both traditional and modern societies. Therefore, it is important to consider how to bring the non-governmental factors into full play in a government dominating framework from the perspective of the "intangible cultural heritage".
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    On the Problems and Countermeasures of Stock Industrial Land Redevelopment in China's Large Cities: A Case Study of Shanghai
    ZHANG Chuan-yong, WANG Feng-long, DU Yu-hu
    2020, 52 (2):  161-170.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.015
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    With the deepening of urbanization and transformation and upgrading of industries, China's large cities such as Shanghai are facing the dual pressure of sustained and rapid growth of urban population and shrinking land resources. It is necessary to expedite the exploration of land-use methods that are compatible with society and economy, increase the efficiency of industrial land use, and provide sufficient space for high-quality urban development in China's large cities. Taking Shanghai as an example, this paper shows that the secondary development of industrial land in Shanghai has undergone three stages in the past 30 years, with the emphasis shifting from the renewal of state-owned industrial land in the central urban area, industrial structure adjustment and land-use upgrading in industrial parks, to the revitalization of stock land and secondary development. Currently, different models have been adopted for the secondary development of waste industrial land in urban centers, inefficient land in industrial parks, and scattered industrial land in suburban towns and villages. The secondary development of industrial land in Shanghai still has some problems, such as "chaotic" objects of secondary development, "high" land acquisition and storage costs and "weak" supporting service functions. The main reasons are the lack of a unified secondary development institution, imperfect relevant policies and laws, unclear benefit-sharing mechanism, and the disruption of supporting services. In this connection, the secondary development of stock industrial land in Shanghai should (1) adopt comprehensive planning and implement various trials on the premise of following some basic principles; (2) construct a multi-subject cooperation framework that takes into account the interests of all parties; (3) improve the land transfer system and eliminate development bottlenecks; and (4) improve incentives and incorporate countermeasures such as employee assessment mechanisms.
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    On the Transformation Path of China's Real Estate Enterprises: Based on a Logistic Regression Analysis
    ZHANG Hong-ming, JI Yan
    2020, 52 (2):  171-180.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.016
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    The transformation of real estate enterprises is an urgent task that the development of China's real estate industry faces in the New Normal. Outlining the basic paths of the transformation based on theoretical analysis and empirical observation, combining the survey data of 75 real estate companies in the country and using logistic regression model to empirically test the transformation path of real estate companies, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of real estate company transformation. The results show:(1) The basic paths of real estate enterprise transformation can be divided into 4 categories, namely, the product market path, the industrial chain path, the cross-industry path, and the management system optimization path; (2) Among real estate enterprises, small and medium-sized ones tend to choose the product market path and the industrial chain path, while large-sized ones are more inclined to implement diversified development by the cross-industry chain paths, and management system optimization is the common path basic for the transformation of various real estate companies; (3) The transformation is affected by a variety of factors such as enterprise size, industry extension, sale direction, and brand influence, and there are also differences in the factors that affect the path chosen by different types of real estate companies. From the above, real estate companies should adjust their development concepts and business strategies in a timely manner to find new development methods and paths suitable for their own conditions.
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    Influencing Factors and Regional Heterogeneity of the Price Premium of High-Star Grade Green Residential Buildings in China: An Empirical Research Based on the Hedonic Model
    YANG Mu-wang, HOU Pan-long, YE Yu-chen
    2020, 52 (2):  181-192.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2020.02.017
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    In recent years, China's green buildings have been developing in an all-round way, and the green price premium has attracted widespread attention. Taking the new perspective of the price premium of second-hand high-grade green residential buildings(two-star grade and three-star grade), using the Hedonic method and the theory of regional heterogeneity, and collecting 737 sets of data from Q3 quarter of 2015 to Q4 quarter of 2017 in 10 consecutive quarters of 8 leading cities in China, this paper examines the influence of location, green grade, project quality, building age, time fluctuation and macro factors on price premium ability. The results show that the price premium is significant; it increases with higher star grade, better community quality, the rising of average sale price, the more inflow of population, and the rising of the per capita GDP; and it decreases with more remote project location, higher building age, the rising of land price, and more supply area for sales. Further research finds that the impact of green star grade, project quality and housing age on green price premium has regional heterogeneity. "Overheating" exists in some cities. Therefore, the departments should carry out precise policy guidance and market supervision with the principle of "One city, One policy".
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