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    15 September 2022, Volume 54 Issue 5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    World Philosophy:FENG Qi and Beyond
    Slote Michael
    2022, 54 (5):  1-9.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.001
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    Following the concept of “world philosophy” advocated by FENG Qi and integrating Chinese and Western philosophy in a systematic foundational way, it will undoubtedly give rise to new vitality in philosophical research. To this end, it is necessary to activate the ancient Chinese philosophical categories, namely yin and yang. We could define “yin” as receptivity, and “yang” as a directed active purpose, and the two must be inseparable and complementary. Once we incorporate the updated “yin” and “yang”, many dilemmas of Western philosophy in the fields of epistemology, philosophy of mind, ethics, and even metaphysics can be solved. Accordingly, core concepts such as “mind”, “empathy”, “practical reason”, “physical process” and “abstract entity” in Western philosophy can also be more effectively explained. Although the work of world philosophy requires philosophers to focus on conceptual analysis, textual verification, and theoretical construction, the interaction and cooperation between various traditions will push philosophical exploration to a whole new level, which is the significance of world philosophy.

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    Mozi′s Community Consciousness and Its Dilemma
    Cheng ZHU
    2022, 54 (5):  10-20.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.002
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    As to the consciousness of the community with a shared future for mankind, there is something worth exploring in Mozi. Mozi advocated the most universal community ideal of the “unity of all under Heaven”, in which individuals can love and benefit each other, and “promote the beneficial and abolish the harmful” for the community since they are enthusiastic about public affairs. Besides, different communities can also achieve the unity of will and large-scale cooperation to eliminate interpersonal and inter-group mutual injury and solve the chaos and disorder in the world fundamentally. Of course, we should examine that there is a tendency in Mozi to neglect individuals′ free will, which will lead to totalitarianism, and the absence of considering how to promote will unity effectively.

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    Rediscovering the Knowledge Base of Modern Legal Order in Historical Materialism
    Wei-jie PAN
    2022, 54 (5):  21-32.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.003
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    The principles of Marxist jurisprudence, with historical materialism as its foundation, reveal a revolutionary and critical spirit on human society, especially on legal phenomena in modern society. These principles guide our understanding of the realistic basis of legal source, uncover the nature of legal relationship, and ultimately help to find out the theoretical basis and realistic legitimacy of contemporary Chinese concept of rule of law through a brand-new understanding of Marx′s theory of social formation. These principles involve determinism and dialectical thinking with both realistic criticism and idealized narration to avoid falling into idealism or dogmatism. With its multiple theoretical perspectives, historical materialism points out a fundamental consensus on understanding the modern legal order, which is particularly instructive for us to understand the responsibility of contemporary Chinese concept of rule of law.

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    The Remain of Imperial Examination after Its Abolition:The Practice of “Xiaolianfangzheng” and “Chaokao” in the Late Qing Dynasty
    Zhong-min ZHANG
    2022, 54 (5):  33-43.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.004
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    After abolishing the imperial examination, the Qing government still continued to hold a variety of examinations, including “Xiaolianfangzheng” (recommending filial, incoorrupt, upright and foursquare scholars). During the implementation of these tests, its original attributes and disadvantages of the imperial examination were entirely retained, which attracted great attention of the people and the public opinions at that time. This tells us that the remaining examination system, including Xiaolianfangzheng, actually stimulated people′s imperial examination worship during its operation. It is necessary for us to examine and reconstruct the operation and influence of the imperial examination system after its abolition in the Qing Dynasty.

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    Beyond “Heresy”:Multiple Facets of WU Yu′s Thought
    Yan-jie ZHAO
    2022, 54 (5):  44-51.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.005
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    Current studies on WU Yu predominantly focus on his demands against Confucianism, Confucius and filial piety, which were supported by the new intellectuals of the May Fourth era, while intentionally or unintentionally overlooking other facets and undermining the wholeness of his thoughts. Under heavy influence of ZHANG Tai-yan and LIAO Ping, WU emphasized history over classics, novels over historiography, literary Chinese over vernacular and independent thinking over popular opinions, and further advocated free thinking and independent scholarship. As a political commentator, WU hoped China would become a modern nation-state, advocated national political participation based on good education and scholarship, and called for direct election of provincial governors and federalism.

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    Sinology beyond the Ivory Tower:NCUSCR and Its Efforts to Remake American Perception of China from 1966 to 1972
    Xin ZHANG
    2022, 54 (5):  52-62.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.006
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    Since the early days of sinology in the U.S., there has been a clear connection between theory and practice. However, it remains unclear how sinology has influenced and shaped American perception of China and its China policy. Based on archival data and original documents, this paper sheds light on the efforts made by China experts in National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR) more than 50 years ago. It demonstrates how the Modernization Paradigm in China studies had helped push America out of the long shadow of McCarthyism, which in turn promoted a rational understanding of China, and helped to turn America′s policy towards China from isolation to engagement. Furthermore, it reveals that the interactive structure of sinology known as “knowledge production-public opinion-China policy” can better explain the logic between theory and practice. This paper provides implications for promoting a better understanding of China in the U.S., and for developing a healthy and stable relationship between China and the U.S.

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    On Scholars′ Paintings:“Implication in Rock Paintings” for 700 Years from SU Shi to ZHENG Ban-qiao
    Zhong-yi XIA
    2022, 54 (5):  63-79.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.007
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    In this paper, the “rock” (modeling element) in the traditional flower and bird paintings is aesthetically divided into two categories, that is, “implication in rock paintings” and “rock worship and pleasure” regarded as an instrumental symbol to mark the distinction between “scholars′ paintings” and “literati′s paintings”. This is significant in three aspects. First, from SU Shi of the Northern Song Dynasty to DONG Qi-chang of the Ming Dynasty, the paintings of men of letters that express their feelings and interests are known as “scholars′ paintings” and “literati′s paintings”. However, in the painting world after DONG Qi-chang, the title of “literati′s paintings” vaguely “cover” “scholars′ paintings”. The “implication in rock paintings” refined in this paper is to prove that “scholars′ paintings” are different from “literati′s paintings” because the former pays more attention to the artist′s moral feelings than the interest in brush and ink skills. Second, from the perspective of “implication in rock paintings”, the history of Chinese paintings from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty can be divided into “scholars′ paintings” and “literati′s paintings”: the former from SU Shi to ZHENG Ban-qiao, and the latter from MI Fu to CHEN Hong-shou. This is the life roles of the ancient sages represented by rock paintings. Third, from the “Dongpo′s grotesque rock” and “Banqiao′s bamboo, orchid and rock” in the “implication in rock paintings”, we can not only know the ancient inheritance of exemplary persons′ poetry and philosophy, but also learn that the “rock” in the eyes of the worthy has not been a cold object in nature since ancient times, but a symbol of the spiritual foundation of the worthy when they deal with the turbid world.

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    Travel,Masculinity and Femininity:The Gender Perspective on “Studies of Travel Writings” in Britain and America
    Xiao-lan CHEN, Ling-yi ZHOU
    2022, 54 (5):  80-89.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.008
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    In Western cultural tradition, travel is usually supposed as the privilege of men and a ritual journey of cultivating masculinity. Ancient epics, legends and colonial writings tend to display the hero′s physical, cultural and psychical masculinity in the narrative of his adventure and struggle in an exotic world. According to this general cultural disposition, travel makes a man a man. However, what does it mean for a woman? Female British writers in the 19th century, who left their domestic sphere and travelled in unfamiliar foreign countries, subverted the conventional prescription of their femininity, and thus reshaped the self-representation of women. Within this trend, they played a role in the imperial knowledge production and in the construction of the culture Other. This paper is concerned with the 19th-century British women′s travel writings in the context of colonialism, and argues that the gender perspective sheds some lights on the complicated relationship between gender liberation and imperial enterprise and between the woman as an individual and the state.

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    On Graphic Poetics in the WeChat Era:The Ninth Essay on Constructive Chinese Literary Theory in the post May-Fourth Era
    Xiao-ming HU
    2022, 54 (5):  90-100.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.009
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    Chinese literary theory in the post May Fourth era should respond to the times and develop new discourses. Now we are encountering an unprecedented new opportunity. Thanks to modern new technologies and new media, Chinese cultural tradition has been revived in daily life world of Chinese people. In addition to the advantages of valuable technologies such as convenient, fast and flexible information acquisition we should try our best to avoid the disadvantages of superficiality, triviality and smoothness. Literature may bring them depth, and classical tradition may make them fine, elegant, gentle and sincere. As for classical poem writing, we haven′t seen a good poem created by AI till now, which shows that a poet embraces comprehensive capacities such as imagination, judgment, sympathy, humanism, ambition, and insights.

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    On the Innovation of the Governance over Ethics in Science and Technology
    Hai-qing JI
    2022, 54 (5):  101-110.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.010
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    The Guidelines on Strengthening the Governance over Ethics in Science and Technology puts forward the requirements for the innovation of the governance over ethics in science and technology in China from four aspects: the upgrading of the governance level, the improvement of the governance itself, the response to the challenges of emerging R&D models, and the promotion of the internationalization of governance experience with Chinese characteristics. From the perspective of the governance mode, it contains the innovation change from passive governance which simply focuses on negative consequences to active governance which covers the whole process from source to application, which is determined by the nature of ethics in science and technology and the governance effect to be achieved. From the perspective of the governance field, it includes the innovative expansion from professional ethics to technology ethics, i.e., from simply focusing on the professional ethics of researchers and engineers to the concern for the ethical issues of the application of the products of emerging technologies, which is determined by the current situation of the high incidence of ethical issues in the latter. From the perspective of the governance grip, controlling ethical dumping and paying attention to human enhancement technologies are key issues in the ethical governance in science and technology, with the former reflecting the values of the community with a shared future for mankind and the latter reflecting active attention to frontier areas in the development of science and technology.

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    Digital Work,Compressed Individuals and Emotions
    2022, 54 (5):  112-120.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.011
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    Over the past 40 years, capitalism has become more complex, reconfigured, and outsourced. A faceless capitalism, i.e., platform capitalism, has appeared. Digital work means a “new spirit of wage-earning, ” which is in line with the new spirit of capitalism by exacerbating the intensity of hegemonic local and global work regimes. New social inequalities are produced in the production of cyber-proletariats, cyber upper-classes, and cyber middle classes. Individuals are caught in double-bind situations between heteronomy and autonomy at work in a context of emotional capitalism. In the digital economy, the compressed individuals have internalized the injunction to face economic constraints and produce a narrative of self-optimization/performing self in a global society. The compressed individuals are more and more globalized in international digital economies.

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    Dealing with Uncertainty:The Labor Process of Interns in Internet “Giants”
    Chu-dan GU, Jun WEN
    2022, 54 (5):  121-132.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.012
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    In the process of digital labor, the core and conditions of labor “uncertainty” have changed, and the uncertainty factors facing both labor and capital are increasing. Regarding the labor process of the interns in the internet “giants” as the analysis object, this paper shows that reducing uncertain factors for both internet “giants” and interns is the precondition of creating “agreement”. In the face of exogenous and inherent uncertainty, internet enterprises take “big factory” and “subject empowerment” as effective strategies of organizational control, while interns respond through subjective practices such as internship “brokers”, network community participation and organizational mobilization and cultural self-value. The interaction value generated in the practical actions of labor and capital to deal with uncertainty has very important implications for platform governance and even social governance.

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    Collaborative Obstacles and Development Paths of Digital Governance in Megacities:A Case Study of “Collaborative Governance by a Network” in Shanghai
    Lian-ming XU
    2022, 54 (5):  133-144.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.013
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    Digital governance model innovation is an important part of promoting digital city strategy. At present, the practice of digital governance is in the ascendant in many cities in China, and Shanghai is one of the benchmark cities. There are some universal and fundamental obstacles in China′s urban digital governance. The obstacles and their solutions are interrelated, resulting in the obstacles unresolved. How to effectively resolve it by “technology-organization-function” collaboration is a very urgent issue. Technology, organization and function are the three elements of urban digital governance. Only the collaborative governance of these three can resolve many stubborn obstacles in digital governance. At present, many collaborative obstacles arise in the “collaborative digitalization” stage of digital transformation, and moving towards the “digital collaboration” stage as soon as possible is a possible development path.

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    Overseas Migration Network and Corporate Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions
    Lian-xing YANG, Yi-nuo MA, Qiu-shuo WANG
    2022, 54 (5):  145-160.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.014
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    Overseas migration network has a very important impact on corporate cross-border M&A. This paper empirically examines the impact and mechanism of the effect between Chinese overseas migration network and micro-firm cross-border M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) by constructing multiple indicators of both. It finds that there is a significant positive promotion effect of Chinese overseas migration network on cross-border M&A, and this effect shows significant heterogeneity in the institutional environment and cultural distance of the host country. Further, through the mediating effect model, this paper finds that immigration networks can promote cross-border M&A by enhancing Chinese business networks and reducing the differences in values between the two countries. Therefore, besides facilitating the fusion of policies concerning migration administration and cross-border M&A, it is necessary to strengthen the overseas migration network and enhance the interaction between Chinese enterprises and overseas Chinese businessmen, especially the role of the migration network in the countries along the Belt and Road to promote China′s internationalized export-oriented economic growth.

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    Can Distressed Companies Get out of Financial Distress through M&A?
    Yun-he LI, Lin-ran ZHU, Zhuo-hong TAN, Zhang-yu QIAN
    2022, 54 (5):  161-174.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.015
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    M&A is an important way to optimize the allocation of resources. A deep study of the important role of M&A in helping distressed companies get out of financial distress will help to offer a feasible path for companies to achieve high-quality development. The existing literatures on the M&A related to financial distressed companies mostly treat distressed companies as the targets, while ignoring financial distressed companies as acquirers in corporate M&A. To fill this gap, we investigate the short-term value and post-merger performance of distressed companies as acquirers over the period of 2004-2015. The results indicate that M&A of financial distressed companies can not only create positive short-term market value, but also improve the long-term performance of the companies. We further find that the long-term post-merger performance of distressed companies can be improved through reducing the financial slack, and through improving corporate debt payment ability. These results provide new evidence for China′s financial distress companies to get rid of financial distress through M&A, which has important enlightening significance.

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    Shares Pledge,Financing Constraints and Enterprise Green Technology Innovation
    Yun ZHANG, Ling-xiao YANG, Zi-ting ZHANG, Zhu-jia YIN
    2022, 54 (5):  175-187.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2022.05.016
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    Green technology innovation is one of the effective ways to achieve goals for carbon peaking and neutrality. However, the large scale of investment, long return period, and high risk of green technology innovation make it difficult to get high-quality financing for controlling shareholders of enterprises in China. Since controlling shareholders′ shares pledge financing has become a relative convenient and quick financing method, it is necessary to study the direct and indirect effects of controlling shareholders′ shares pledges on enterprises′ investment in green technology innovation, as well as to clarify the role of financing constraints in this regard. By constructing an empirical model, this paper confirms that the share pledge not only inhibits enterprise green technology innovation directly but also exacerbates enterprise financing constraints, which in turn inhibit enterprise green technology innovation investment. It means that the financing constraint plays a mediating role in the impact of controlling shareholders′ shares pledges on green technology innovation. Further heterogeneity analysis reveals that when the chairman and CEO positions are combined, the controlling shareholder′s share pledge has a significant inhibitory effect on corporate green innovation; before the shareholding ratio reaches a certain level, the larger the controlling shareholder′s shareholding ratio is, the greater the inhibiting effect of controlling shareholder′s share pledge on green technology innovation; state-owned enterprises weaken the negative influence of controlling shareholder′s share pledge on corporate green technology innovation through other financing channels. Therefore, to encourage enterprises to carry out green technological innovation in a more effective and targeted manner, the relevant authorities should take measures to improve regulation, enhance the internal governance of enterprises and promote the formation of a consensus on green development among all parties.

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