华东师范大学(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 8-26.

• 学术对话 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 上海交通大学中文系,上海,200240
  • 出版日期:2014-11-15 发布日期:2014-12-11
  • 通讯作者: 夏中义:教授,上海交通大学人文学院文学研究所所长
  • 作者简介:夏中义:现任上海交通大学人文学院文学研究所所长,教授,国家大学生文化素质教育基地主任。上海大学文学院兼职教授,博导。2003年前,曾供职华东师范大学中文系,教授,文艺学专业博士生导师。主攻方向为20世纪中国文艺理论史案研究,兼任中国文艺理论学会理事,《文艺理论研究》杂志编委。

From Poems of Renjinglu Villa to Poems of Jing’an: “Loyally Retelling” and “Creatively Saying Something More” about QIAN Zhongshu’s On the Art of Poetry

XIA Zhong-yi   

  • Online:2014-11-15 Published:2014-12-11
  • Contact: XIA Zhong-yi
  • About author:XIA Zhong-yi

摘要: 学术史意义上的“照着说”与“接着说”,是期待后学在领悟先哲在给定论域所达到的高度(峰值)之同时,不妨追问其相应的限度(边界)。这落到《谈艺录》对黄遵宪与王国维的诗学抑扬一案,也就呈示钱钟书的审美眼光暨文化视野,比梁启超更经得起证伪。就清末学界诗坛而言,能真正让西学义谛(而非西洋制度名物之皮毛)水乳交融于旧体诗的代表人物,委实惟有王国维,而不是梁所推崇的黄遵宪。文学史界若至今未能“照着说”出钱在1948年的这一卓识,未免有遗珠之憾。至于为何留日不到一年的王国维对西学义谛的细深体悟,远非出使欧美近廿年的黄遵宪所能及?这个本应由钱钟书提出且回答、却终究未提出与回答的关键问题,客观上是为后学对先哲的“接着说”腾出了空间。

关键词: 钱钟书, 《谈艺录》, 《人境庐诗草》, 《静庵诗稿》, “照着说”, “接着说”

Abstract: In the study of academic history, while “loyally retelling” requires scholars of later generations to understand the climax reached by predecessors in certain field, “creatively saying something more” means to question its limits. Such practice could be found in QIAN Zhongshu’s evaluation of the poetry of HUANG Zun-xian and WANG Guo-wei in his On the Art of Poetry (Tanyi Lu), which demonstrates that QIAN goes beyond LIANG Qi-chao in aesthetic judgement and cultural perspective. In the poetic circle in the late Qing Dynasty, it was only WANG Guo-wei, rather than HUANG Zun-xian praised highly by LIANG Qi-chao, who was capable of blending the essence of Western learning (instead of superficial opinions concerning Western institutions and material things) into classical poetry in perfect harmony. It is a pity that no scholar of literature history has “loyally retold” the insightful view QIAN presented in 1948. However, why could WANG Guo-wei, who studied in Japan for less than one year,have a much deeper understand of the essence of Western learning than HUANG Zun-xian, who had been frequently sent to Europe and the U.S. on diplomatic missions for nearly 20 years? This key question, which should have been put forward and answered by QIAN, leaves space for scholars of young generations to “creatively say something more”.

Key words: QIAN Zhong-shu, On the Art of Poetry, Poems of Renjinglu Villa, Poems of Jing&rsquo, an, &ldquo, Loyally Retelling&rdquo, , &ldquo, Creatively Saying Something More&rdquo