Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) ›› 2023, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (5): 1-5.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.05.001

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Technology Development and Human Life

Guo-rong YANG   

  • Online:2023-09-15 Published:2023-09-28


The development of AI is of positive significance to human beings. In general, the development of science and technology, including AI, is both a necessary step in the gradual realization of humanity and human freedom, and a prerequisite or condition for approaching this prospect. AI is based on big data. Logically speaking, “big data” means exhausting relevant information. So, under the background of big data, we can grasp all possible aspects of the situation, at least in theory, which provides a premise or condition for a comprehensive grasp of the object, and consequently we may overcome various one-sided views. Another important feature of AI is the ability to process data efficiently, which makes it possible for us to respond to changing phenomena and make accurate judgments and responses in a timely manner. The positive significance of the development of AI is reflected in scientific research, the exploration of humanities, production labor, economic activities, and daily life, and its evolution has positive significance for promoting the progress of human life and tending to a society conforming to human nature. Of course, the development of science and technology can lead to both positive aspects and some negative effects. How to restrain the negative effects that AI may cause and make it develop in a positive way is an issue that we cannot avoid. This involves the issue of value guidance and constraints on the development of science and technology, including AI, and the value principle that man is the purpose provides the basic premise for such guidance.

Key words: AI, big data, man as the purpose