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Content of 政治学研究 in our journal

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    China's Intellectual Reform from the Perspective of the “Spread of Chinese Learning in the West”: Comments on the New Academic Work Changing Referents of Leigh Jenco, a Young American Political Theorist
    LIU Qing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (5): 117-120.   DOI: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.012
    Abstract272)   HTML4)    PDF (778KB)(943)      
    By treating the intellectual debates in modern China as a paradigm of “learning from the other”, the new academic work Changing Referents of Leigh Jenco, a young American political theorist, provides new methods and ideas concerning the issue how western theories overcome western centralism. This also reflects a current new trend of the “spread of Chinese learning in the West”: western scholars attempt to explore the potentiality of universal theories in Chinese thought and practice.
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    Integrating and Reshaping: the CPC and Nationalism in the 1920s
    SONG Jin, YANG Xu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2015, 47 (5): 121-128.   DOI: 10.16382/ j.cnki.1000--5579.2015.05.013
    Abstract333)   HTML4)    PDF (1477KB)(975)      
    At the age of world history, different thoughts that dedicated to “saving the country from subjugation and ensuring its survival” flowed into the ideology of nationalism. Nationalism was complex due to its pluralistic subjects. In the 1920s, nationalism had become a common discourse to motivate the public with the party as its dominant interpreter. Nationalism was firstly rejected and then accepted by the CPC. The CPC rebuilt nationalism by constructing and criticizing it from the perspective of “antiimperialism” after examining the essence of “imperialism” and its manifestation in China. By integrating and reshaping, the CPC gave nationalism a new look in the 1920s, and the CPCs leading role in shaping the nationalism was just a result of the sinicization of Marxism.
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    Leo Strauss and Two Directions in Political Philosophy
    WU Guan-jun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 75-86.  
    Abstract584)   HTML8)    PDF (2065KB)(1408)      
    Leo Strauss has occupied the focal point of Sinophone circles of political philosophy for over a decade. His critique of modernity and effort to resuscitate classical political philosophy has attracted heated discussions. Strauss labels his political philosophy as both “Socratic” and “Platonic.” However, what Socrates and Plato have opened up are two opposite directions in political philosophy. Strauss’s subtle oscillation between these two directions is a case worthy of deep analysis. By virtue of such analysis, we are able to further trace the inner lineage from ancient Greek political philosophy to contemporary continental radical political philosophy.
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    Classified Governance and Extensional System: Governance of Social Organizations in Current China
    WANG Xiang-min
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (5): 87-96.  
    Abstract626)   HTML7)    PDF (1763KB)(1744)      
    The rise of social organizations as well as its governance has been important themes regarding national governance in the new century. Nowadays, there have been three kinds of classified governance models towards social organizations set up by local governments: firstly, promoting the construction of pivotal social organizations, including people’s organizations and register-free organizations; secondly, managing the service-oriented social organizations under the project system; thirdly, incorporating the grassroots and diversified interest-expressing social organizations into political system by the absorption of leaders, organizations and functions. These constitute a more positive and delicate system of classified governance, which not only shows the political character of extensional system but also proves the growth of practical political knowledge.
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    Three Dimensions of the Communist Party of China’s Doctrine of Fairness
    SONG Jin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 88-94.  
    Abstract862)   HTML14)    PDF (450KB)(1146)      
    In the broad sense, fairness can be divided into fairness of the starting point, fairness of the course and fairness of the result. The doctrine of fairness of the CPC (Communist Party of China) includes all these three kinds of fairness. The CPC regards fairness of the socio-political system as the fairness of the starting point and as the precondition of the realization of social fairness. With regards to fairness of the course, the CPC emphasizes the crucial role of administrating by law in the realization of fairness, regarding administrating g by law as the basic guarantee for the realization of fairness of the course. Concerning fairness of the result, the CPC devotes itself to keeping the balance between fairness and efficiency, regarding the maintaining of people’s well-being as the basic method to promote fairness of the result. Respectively concerning social and political institution, fundamental state policy and fairness of distribution, Fairness of the starting point, fairness of the course and fairness of the result form the three dimensions of the CPC’s doctrine of fairness.
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    Transcending the “Dualistic Predicaments”: Marx’s Analysis of Social Structure and Its Methodological Feature
    DU Yu-hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 95-101.  
    Abstract814)   HTML15)    PDF (456KB)(1144)      
    Structural analysis is an important construction for Marx to solve the “historical puzzle” and create his theory of social structure. Unfortunately, for a long time, there have been various predicaments of “binary oppositions” in all kinds of Western theoretical analyses of social structure. As a result, although the analysis of social structure was used widely, a tradition of scientific and efficient methodologies has not been formed in fact. In this regard, we should return to Marxist classical tradition. By studying Marx’s analysis of social structure, we find that Marx’s method of structural analysis, which is characterized by the unity of totality and individuality, abstractness and concreteness, stability and dynamic, objectivity and subjectivity, will help us transcend traditional predicaments of “binary oppositions”.
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    The Establishment of Aboriginal Consultative Organization in the Period of Whitlam Regime
    WANG Shi-ming
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 102-110.  
    Abstract977)   HTML16)    PDF (491KB)(1472)      
    In 1960s-1970s, the positive change of Australian policy towards aboriginals is closely related to the daily loosening of the “White Australia Policy”. In early 1970s, when Gough Whitlam held high the banner of reform and promoted the multi-cultural policy, Australian aboriginals met an unprecedented opportunity of changing their own fate. When the labor party regarded “autonomy” as the direction and aim of the reform of the policy towards aboriginals, the National Aboriginal Consultative Committee was established, which was the first step of the reform. The establishment of this organization to some extent reflects the fact that aboriginals as a whole hope to influence the policies of the government. However, due to the restricts of objective conditions, this organization, which has merely symbolic meaning rather than real influence, cannot play the expected role.
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    Evaluation and Forecast of BRICS Cooperation
    NIU Hai-bin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2013, 45 (4): 111-117.  
    Abstract903)   HTML13)    PDF (469KB)(1502)      
    With the deepening of BRICS’ cooperation, there are controversies about the prospect of BRICS’ cooperation, especially the arguments that the unity of BRICS will break, the unity is unworkable or have a conflicting agenda with the West. At the end of the first round of summit meetings of BRICS, it is conductive to the sound development of BRICS’ cooperation to understand the significance and prospect of BRICS’ cooperation properly. The past five years’ cooperation has proved that BRICS is an emerging force with an open, progressive and cooperative spirit. Its cooperation foundation has been consolidated, its cooperation mechanism has been deepened and its influence has benefits the world as a whole. How to integrate the influence of BRICS to current international institutions has become the key to the construction of an effective global governing system. In order to achieve a better prospect of BRICS’ cooperation, we need to improve the global governing system in a gradual way, which demands deepened internal cooperation among BRICS members and the cooperation spirit among leading powers as well. Which role will China play in BRICS cooperation? This is a crucial question.
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    Structural Features of Social Transformation and Its Performance in Contemporary China
    DU Yu-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 65-71.  
    Abstract2303)   HTML3)    PDF (1770KB)(1568)      
    As an important theme, “social transformation” is paid close attention by domestic and foreign academic circles. With the integral and radical alteration of the social structure as its essence, social transformation is featured by integrity, progressiveness, heterogeneity, overlapping and formality. From the perspective of the structural features of social transformation, China’s reform and opening course in the last over thirty years has experienced three different stages. China’s contemporary social transformation presents a gradual process from the traditional social structure to the modern one in respects of initiating mechanism, motivation source, main content, basic process, social impact, and general form. Thereby, it promotes to a great extent the social modernization and development of various courses in China.
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    Understandings of the “Chinese Mode” in the West
    CAO Jing-Wen
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (5): 72-78.  
    Abstract1186)   HTML7)    PDF (1764KB)(1366)      
    In recent years, China’s development road and development mode, as an important theme, have been paid close attention by oversea scholars. The majority of oversea scholars believe that the rapid rise of the 〖HJ1.4mm〗Chinese economy shows the existence of the Chinese mode. It presents a pattern with many features and originality, which differs from the modes of East Asia, Europe and the United States, and Latin America. The Chinese mode provides a good example to a large number of developing countries. It is conducive to the maintenance of the world peace and especially demonstrates that socialism has a bright future. Oversea scholars also analyze the existing problems in the Chinese mode. Although their points of view are not completely correct, they help us keep a sober mind towards the Chinese mode, and better promote the healthy development of the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
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    Democratic Politics and Passion
     ——On Chantal Mouffe’s Critique of Deliberative Democracy
    ZHENG Qi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (2): 64-68.  
    Abstract2252)   HTML39)    PDF (1784KB)(2585)      
    There has been a huge amount of interest in the theory of deliberative democracy in China in recent years. Scholars generally hold an optimistic attitude towards it. Nevertheless, before determining whether a theory is beneficial, it is needed to decide whether the theory is reasonable in itself. The introduction of Chantal Mouffe’s democratic model of agonistic pluralism may be helpful to reflect challenges or problems that the theory of deliberative democracy faces. On the basis of Carl Schmitt’s political theory, Mouffe criticizes deliberative democracy that is proposed by Rawls and other liberals. Different from deliberative democracy, Mouffe argues for the antagonistic nature of democratic politics and the importance of passion in cultivating citizens.
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    The Dilemma of Chinese Officials’ Governance and Its Solutions
    1、Zhang-Xuan , 2、Zhang-Guo-Yu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2012, 44 (2): 69-75.  
    Abstract1484)   HTML9)    PDF (1790KB)(1867)      
    The dilemma of Chinese government officials’ governance can be summed up as: on the one hand government officials’ group conducts are out of control; on the other hand the modernization process dominated by government has to rely on the government official group’s advancement. The dilemma results from government officials’ lack of a desire and ability of selfdiscipline and inadequate social supervision. As a result, the solutions lie in setting up an institutionalized interest negotiation mechanism and interest balance mechanism based on enhancing social public’s right to know and right of expression, and making full use of supervision by public opinion as a main carrier and important guarantee of public exercising their rights to know and of expression.
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    The Collapse of Ideological Dykes and Dams and Disintegration of the Soviet Union
    ZHOU Shang-wen
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2009, 41 (2): 46-53.  
    Abstract2048)   HTML11)         
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    Approach, Framework and Scale: The Recognitive Vision of the Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics
    SONG Jin &WANG Gang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2009, 41 (2): 54-59.  
    Abstract1801)   HTML8)         
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