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    25 March 2004, Volume 36 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    On Differences and Similarities between the Han and Tang Dynasties
    Fa-song MOU
    2004, 36 (3):  1-10. 
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    From the Qin and Han to the Sui and Tang dynasties the vast, unified empire system in the history of China went through its first complete circle from establishment, consolidation, collapse to reconstruction. In the circle there were so many similarities between the Han and the Tang that these two dynasties have usually been regarded together as the Han-Tang. Actually, there existed a lot of distinct differences between these two great dynasties apart from their inherent continuations. Through a study of those similarities and differences, we may discover further more characteristics and laws in the development of ancient history of China.

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    A Research on the Ritual System of Emperors' Ancestral Temple under the Eastern Han Dynasty
    Shan-bing GUO
    2004, 36 (3):  11-16. 
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    During the early Eastern Han Dynasty the ritual system of emperors' ancestral temple (AT) mainly followed relevant systems of the Western Han. There occurred some changes after some discussions on the AT ritual system in the nineteenth year of the reign of Jian Wu, including substituting the system of "separate rooms in the same hall" for the separate hall system practiced before, and abolishing the AT disestablishment system. All emperors' temples of the Eastern Han were honored with the title of "Zu" or "Zong" except for those of emperors Shang, Chong, Zhi and Ling. The preceding AT ritual system was not resumed until Emperor Xian Di who adopted CAI Yong's suggestion.

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    QIAN Da-xin's Theories of Literature, History and "Principle"
    Xin-sheng LU
    2004, 36 (3):  17-24. 
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    As a great master of Han Learning and an important exponent of the predominant academic school of thought during the reign of Qian Long-Jia Qing under the Qing Dynasty, QIAN Da-xin was never a little Confucian who was just preoccupied with textual criticism. His bounteous theory of literature, overflowing theory of history and profound theory of 'principle' were all imbued with a strong 'spirit of the time'.

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    The Germination of Historical Consciousness and Education──An Exploration of Primitive Historical Education in Chinese Remote Antiquity
    Jian LI
    2004, 36 (3):  25-31. 
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    The Chinese nation is adept in summing up historical experiences and attaches great importance to historical education. Those far most ancestors' initial historical consciousness and their spread of historical knowledge were sprouts and sources of traditional historical education in ancient China. The primeval historical education was carried out by means of orally passing on historical knowledge. Its main contents included historical myths and legends concerning social practice and life. Its instructive significance consisted in transmitting historical knowledge, carrying forward fine traditions of ancestors, and inspiring people's spirit and will. Such a kind of primitive historical education had striking features of times.

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    A Tentative Research on the Connotative Structure, Development and Choice of Modern Chinese Grammar Study in the 21st Century
    Guo-zheng XIAO
    2004, 36 (3):  32-40. 
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    On the basis of reflecting the integral characteristic and orientation of grammar study in the 20th century, this paper predicts inevitable developments and choices of modern Chinese grammar studies in the 21st century from an angle of the subject connotative structure. We should separately emphasize the semantic interpretation grammar study, and define and develop the information-bearing parsing grammar study, while continuing to strengthen the formal construction grammar study. As a result, a tri-dimension grammar world can be formed. Meanwhile, we should stress its theoretical and applied studies, that is, when paying attention to revealing linguistic applied features, we should enhance our studies on issues of applied grammar such as its theories, orientations, approaches, achievements and areas as well.

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    Studies on the Nature of Chinese Characters in the Twentieth Century
    Yin-xin ZHAN
    2004, 36 (3):  41-47. 
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    The study of the nature of Chinese characters has a close relation to the understanding of the present stage of evolving Chinese characters. The issue, from the very beginning, tended to be discussed within a framework of the Western theory about the three-stage evolution of a writing system, and continued along with various evaluations of Chinese characters throughout the twentieth century. It was only after the 1950s that the nature of Chinese characters was understood from the angle of linguistic units that writings copied.

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    The Transition of Urban Social Space Structure and the Transformation of Farmers into Townspeople
    Tuo LIN
    2004, 36 (3):  48-54. 
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    The transformation of farmers into townspeople is the most profound aspect in the whole process of urbanization. With accelerated developments of urban and rural integration in large and medium cities of our country since the middle 1990s, there has emerged an appearance in some developed regions that the scenic urbanization is divorced from the farmers' citizenship, which makes the importance of the transformation more conspicuous. Actually, there exists a close relationship of mutual dependence between the transition of urban space structure and the transformation of farmers into townspeople. It is exactly the development of urban and rural integration that promotes the reconstruction of social space structure to change from a scattering pattern to a space system, catalyses the social space flow altering from regional solidification to space opening, and urges the government of social space from regional segmentation to linkage. These great changes show profoundly that the transformation of farmers' citizenship is not only a social progressive process of urban and rural integration, but also a space transitive process of urban formation.

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    Farmer's Citizenship: the Role Transition from Farmers to Townspeople
    Jun WEN
    2004, 36 (3):  55-61. 
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    The transformation of farmers into townspeople is a complex social systematic project. It is not only a transformation of farmers' social status and occupation (non-agricultural transformation), nor merely a regional transference of farmers' resident location (urbanization). It includes a series of changes in role consciousness, ideology, social rights, behavior patterns and modes of production and life, and it is an integral process in transition from a role of farmer group to that of urban resident group. Like agricultural modernization and rural urbanization, the transformation of farmers into townspeople will produce a positive and great influence upon the building of our country's integration of urban and rural areas.

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    An Analysis of the Straits of China's Participation in International Jurisdiction
    Xiao-hong SU
    2004, 36 (3):  62-67. 
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    China tended to put little trust in international organizations before and even sometimes repelled them. The main reasons lie in China's bitter experiences in history, ideological separation and cultural differences with other countries. All this caused a difficulty in China's real participation in international jurisdiction. China's attitudes are quite different in its observing, executing and legislating the international jurisdiction system. As a major developing country, China needs to make more efforts to open up its mind, renew ideas, innovate theories and apply them freely so as to be in further harmony with international society.

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    The Orientation of Russia under Globalization
    Jun LIU
    2004, 36 (3):  68-72. 
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    After the Cold War Russia lost its status of hegemony, but it has not yet found its national orientation. Historically, its goal was to be a "participant" in traditional European international politics and to be integrated into Europe and then into the world. However, its orientation has been greatly impacted under globalization since the post-cold war. On Russia's part, a strong antagonism is manifested on its way to integrate itself into globalization and the West because of many frustrations it is encountering. Therefore, Russia is still in the dilemma of being melted into the West or returning to its own. Russia's future orientation needs to make further explorations.

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    Signifier and Sign
    Jia-ying CHEN
    2004, 36 (3):  73-75, 81. 
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    Ferdinand de Saussure defines the concept of sign as a combination of signifier (significant) and signified (signifie). This paper points out the fact that the word signifier has never been used in accordance with Saussure's original definition, and attempts to explain its reason.

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    An Analysis of the Zen Buddhist Principle of "Not Setting up Written Scripts"
    Jian CHEN
    2004, 36 (3):  76-81. 
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    The principle of "not setting up written scripts" indicates the essential thought of Zen Buddhism. However, it is often misunderstood as "abandoning language" or "giving up logical thinking".In fact, its true significance, according to the viewpoint of prajna, is to regard Buddhist scriptures as sunyata, not as dogma. As a Buddhist thought, "not setting up written scripts" originated in Indian Buddhism, but as a famous saying, it emerged in Chinese Buddhism in the late Tang Dynasty.

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    An Investigation on Rumor Spreads in Guangzhou SARS Incident
    San-jiu YAN, Hui-ming XU
    2004, 36 (3):  82-88. 
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    Based on a house-to-house investigation into the rumor spread phenomenon in the SARS Incident of Guangzhou during March 8-9, 2003, our main conclusion is that the circulation channel of rumors is chiefly personal of human spreads. The core of those rumors was true, whereas most of their surface details false. The synthetic reaction of both produced such a situation in which the public sought to prevent this unknown disease, but they failed to take proper measures due to a lack of sufficient and correct information. Meanwhile, the public was seized with a panic. Once the truthful part of rumors was verified through an official channel, it became a "message". Those false parts were denied, but they still existed or disappeared in the form of rumors. The rumor played a role of "anti-power". It compelled the "authoritative" official channel to make open responses. The rumor, developing to a certain extent, already completely became a destructive force so that normal social life could not go on. At last, the crisis took a turn for the better. The government and media began to change their attitudes, making a lot of open reports about the disease. Thus, the "SARS Incident" turned to a new stage in which governmental departments took active measures for prevention.

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    Soul and Body: Two Wings of Life--A Study of the Theme of Igmar Bergman's Scenario
    Ping-hua HE
    2004, 36 (3):  89-95. 
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    “上帝”、“死亡”与“爱”是伯格曼一生钟爱的电影剧作主题, 他童年时代便养成的独特心理结构及人格对此有深刻影响。其剧作所显示的深厚人文关怀对中国电影艺术极具启发意义。

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    Linguistic Philosophy and Philosophical Linguistics
    Wen-guo PAN
    2004, 36 (3):  96-102. 
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    The paper discusses the use of terms in the study of the philosophy of language and proposes to distinguish the two terms of Linguistic Philosophy and Philosophical Linguistics, leaving the latter specifically within the field of linguistics.It also talks about the relation between philosophical linguistics and general linguistics and analyses the requirements for the philosophical speculation of language.

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    The Yangge Opera: Folksiness Reformed through Politics
    Gui-liang WEN
    2004, 36 (3):  103-108. 
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    The yangge opera in the Yan'an base area in 1940s was reformed through politics. This was a case in which a folk art was remolded through politics. Such a reformation became a concrete form of the current discourse reconstruction. It has four characteristics: mundanity, ideologization of cultural signs, collectivizational operation, and mutual penetration of folk dialects and ideological terms.

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    A Research on the Shanghai Tourist Employment Capacity and Its Developments
    Xue-gang FENG
    2004, 36 (3):  109-115. 
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    Shanghai's tourism industry has a strong job capacity. Its flexible employment form has made great contributions to Shanghai's employment rate. Both macro and micro factors may produce influences upon tourism employment. According to certain statistics and mathematical model, it can be predicted that in following few years Shanghai's tourist employment will remain an increase tendency and reach its peak in the 2010 Expo. The government should take various measures to develop employment in tourism.

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    The Occurrence, Development and Nature of Tourism
    Guo-xin CAO, Xiu-jian SONG
    2004, 36 (3):  116-120. 
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    旅游起源于人类进步的手段所造成的人的片面化与人的全面发展的本质力量之间的矛盾, 是这一矛盾产生的“逸”的情感指向出游时的文化行为。从出离日常生活到对好奇心的极大满足和鼓励, 到对丰富、全面的社会关系的自觉追寻, 旅游作为旅游者的一种行为艺术、一种对日常生活的“倒错”、一种对存在的诗性把握, 正日益成为当代人类主要的创造性交往的生存方式和生存空间, 为构建人类完美的人生提供了演习的机会。

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