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    15 March 2023, Volume 55 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    How Is a Comprehensive Spiritual Hermeneutics Possible?:Centering on the “Theory of the Interaction between Heaven and Human” in Chinese Humanities
    Wei-xi HU
    2023, 55 (2):  1-18.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.001
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    The study of hermeneutics is inseparable from the perspective of humanities. For the “spiritual hermeneutics”, which probes into the issue of “spirit”, it is also inseparable from the perspective of “spiritual humanities”, that is, taking the theory of the “interaction between Heaven and human” as the basic hermeneutic principle to explain “human nature and the Dao of Heaven”. With the “interaction between Heaven and human” as the center, the spiritual hermeneutics develops its hermeneutic ideas in the way of the “Dao-speech-wisdom-realm”. In this respect, Chinese philosophy has accumulated and summed up rich hermeneutic ideas and practical experience. The “Dao-speech-wisdom-realm” not only constitutes the unique hermeneutic logic of Chinese philosophical hermeneutics, but also has the transcendental universality so that it can be used to observe and examine the types of Western spiritual hermeneutics represented by Christian theological hermeneutics. The approach of Chinese spiritual hermeneutics is characterized by “from the sage to the holy”, while that of Western Christian theological hermeneutics by “from the holy to the sage”. The fact that these two types of hermeneutics have different theoretical starting points and hermeneutic approaches does not prevent them from taking the “holy spirit” of the highest and ultimate being of the universe as the final goal of interpretation. Thus, Chinese and Western spiritual hermeneutics traditions will finally meet and communicate with each other in the “end” and “summit” of hermeneutics.

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    What’s Wrong with Toleration?:The Zhuangzian Respect as an Alternative
    Yong HUANG
    2023, 55 (2):  19-34.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.002
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    In this global and plural age, toleration has often been regarded as the most important virtue one ought to cultivate toward people of different nationalities, ethnicities, religions, cultures, languages, geographical regions, and sextual orientations and their ways of life. This, however, is problematic, because one of the key elements of toleration is the objection to what one tolerates, and if toleration is a virtue, such objections must be based on good reasons instead of personal biases. Yet, clearly, we cannot have any reasonable objections toward people simply because their ways of life are different from ours in the above-mentioned senses. Therefore, the virtue we really need to cultivate is not toleration but the Zhuangzian respect. A person with such a virtue not only has no objection to what they respect and thus would not interfere with them but also, when needed, assist them to live their unique ways of life. This Zhuangzian respect differs from the respect that sometimes also serves as the basis of toleration. While the latter is only directed to others as persons and not to their ways of life, especially when they are very different from one’s own, the former is not only directed to others as persons but also to their ways of life, even if they are very different from one’s own.

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    The Ethical Way of Doing Things:The Discourse Turn of Modern Ethics
    Zhao-guo DAI
    2023, 55 (2):  35-49.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.003
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    All of the dominating theoretical directions of traditional ethics take a perspective of the Dao. Normative theory, virtue theory and meta-ethics have made their own distinctive theories of ethics. To unify the different theoretical tendencies of traditional ethics, truly activate traditional ethics from the perspective of human development needs, and provide practical guidance for people’s ethical practice, we must explore the discourse turn of ethics. The theory of concrete metaphysics contains rich philosophical innovations. Its perspective of human affairs has provided an invaluable theoretical inspiration for the discourse turn of contemporary ethics. From the perspective of the Dao to the perspective of human affairs, we can find a specific path to implement the theory and practice of contemporary ethics at the level of people’s doing things.

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    The Reconstruction of Confucius’ Ideal of “You Jiao Wu Lei” and Its Modern Relevance
    Cheng HONG
    2023, 55 (2):  50-60.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.004
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    This article aims to reconstruct Confucius’ ideal of “education without discrimination” (youjiao wulei) from the perspectives of intellectual history and political philosophy to demonstrate its continued theoretical and practical significance in modern pluralistic societies. “Education without discrimination” is not a statement of fact about the educated, but rather a value judgment about the educators; it requires teachers to treat students with different individual backgrounds equally. This article argues that “education without discrimination” is a type of civic moral education, which belongs to neither elite nor popular education. It seeks to cultivate exemplary persons (Junzi), rather than influence common people to form moral customs. It is reasonable to interpret “Junzi” and “Junzi’s virtue” as “good citizens” and “civic morals” in the vision of intellectual history and political philosophy. This reasonability shows the possible significance and value of Confucius’ ideal of “education without discrimination” at the level of civil moral education in modern society.

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    An Ethical Examination of Persuasive Technology
    Su-mei CHENG
    2023, 55 (2):  61-69.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.005
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    Belonging to the new interdisciplinary field of liberal arts and sciences, persuasive technology refers to the technology based on human-computer interaction which may affect and even change the ideas, attitudes or behaviors of human beings. It has been applied widely in many areas of our life and has gained outstanding social effects. However, the properties such as novelty, hiddenness and polymorphism of persuasive technology may have covered the persuasive intents and the limitation on the choice of users, which will put users in a disadvantageous position to be “addicted” to the new “opium”. In order to avoid these ethical problems, we must scrutinize closely and thoroughly the whole process of persuasive technology from the ethical perspective. Technical “bugs” such as stochasticity and indeterminacy of the data-driven algorithmic system and its many moral agents may cause ethical challenges of the attribution of responsibility. We need to go beyond the dichotomy between theoretic ethics and applied ethics, widen the semantic and pragmatic scope of the concept of responsibility and turn from passive responsible ethics of technology to active responsible ethics of technology, in order to solve these challenges.

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    The Possible Separation between Photography and Image:A Philosophical Study
    Yang LI
    2023, 55 (2):  70-79.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.006
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    The separation of photography and image requires a new understanding of the non-image nature of photography. Starting from the five paradoxes of image, this paper examines the basic nature of image, and then distinguishes photography from image. Photography is an “action” and a “process”, while image is the trace that connects the subject and the object through the camera. The essence of photography lies in the tension between the “given” of nature and the “capture” of the photographer, and many important aesthetic judgments in the history of photography theories are made by emphasizing this tension. For instance, André Bazan and Roland Barthes emphasize on the “given”, whereas Bauhaus and Pictorialism underline the significance of the “capture”. The media essence of photography has also changed with the development of technology. The traditional photochemical photography and photoelectric signal photography are quite different in terms of the nature of image. Moreover, the generative image represented by video game photography is independent of the visual objects from the external world. It becomes the photography that “captures” the virtual world, but still follows the intrinsic definition of photography.

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    Essence and Desire:Reflecting on Jullien’s Comparison of Chinese and Western Views of the Nude
    Jia-jun WANG
    2023, 55 (2):  80-92.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.007
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    Jullien believes that Western nude art is supported by the ideas such as essence and ideal in Western philosophy. The Chinese ontology emphasizes change and process, so it is impossible to think that “the nude is the essence”. Jullien excludes nude works such as the pornographic paintings from his examination of nude art, because they show nakedness as a process from shedding to exposing, rather than the nude as a natural state of nudity. However, Agamben, via the discussion of the Christian view of the nude, points out that the nude is always relative to exposure, and there is only the nakedness rather than the nude. This makes Chinese and Western nude art on a more equal comparative plane since the post-structuralist view of the essence behind Agamben’s distinction is in line with ancient Chinese philosophy such as Daoism and also introduces the dimension of desire into the discussion of nude art. At this point, Chinese nude art should also be included in the comparison, not only because of the similarity of the theme, but also because they contain a Chinese view of the body and philosophy as well. Its absence in Jullien also prompts us to further reflect on the issue of cross-cultural comparison.

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    On the Naming of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms
    Xiao-feng LIU
    2023, 55 (2):  93-101.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.008
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    How did the creators of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms understand the annual cyclical movement of the sun? How were the Twenty-Four Solar Terms named? The Twenty-Four Solar Terms were referred to as “the Twenty-Four Qi” (vital energy) in ancient times. The naming of the terms indicates not only the existence of a framework of eight terms, including two equinoxes, two solstices, and four beginnings, but also a symmetrical yin-yangstructure surrounding the summer and the winter solstices. More importantly, the names suggest the water series understood and imagined by the ancient, in which four seasons are connected with the transformation of the three states of water, while summer and winter are regarded as the pivot and the wetness and dryness of water as the representation. There is a structural resonance between the transformation of qi implied in this naming system and that described in “the Ultimate One Giving Birth to Water” (taiyi shengshui), which is based on the conceptions such as qi, yin-yang, and water as arche in Chinese philosophy. This conclusion reminds us that time is the most fundamental issue in ancient Chinese thoughts.

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    Passing on the Publicity of Traditional Festivals in Modern Society:A Case Study of the Dragon Boat Festival in Liancheng Village,Fujian Province
    Zhong-yang JI, Jing WANG
    2023, 55 (2):  102-111.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.009
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    Traditional festivals such as the Lantern Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival are not only family festivals, but also events organized by clans and communities so that they have certain publicity. This publicity can effectively construct collective identity, enhance the density of social networks, and increase social capital, which is of great significance for rural unity and development. In modern society, the heritage of traditional festival culture is facing multiple crises, especially the publicity of traditional festivals is declining seriously. According to the current situation of the Dragon Boat Festival in Liancheng Village, Fujian Province, the publicity of traditional festivals can not only be inherited, but also be creatively transformed and developed in modern society. The key mechanism is, on the one hand, to constantly tell the legend, reconstruct the tradition and influence the form of collective memory. On the other hand, the modern form of traditional festivals should attach importance to the inheritance of the tradition that events are organized by folk organizations, and stimulate people’s consciousness of subjectivity and participation as much as possible.

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    Social Mobilization and Trust Refactoring:The Cultural Governance Function of Rural Traditional Festivals
    Xing-yu ZHANG
    2023, 55 (2):  112-121.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.010
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    In modern rural life, traditional festivals are often shaped as a village landmark of cultural landscape. They play a key role in the rural culture inheritance and the emotional connection within the village community. From the perspective of the specific path of inheritance and practice of the current rural traditional festivals, they mainly show a cultural governance function characterized by social mobilization and trust refactoring. For a long time, the rural martial association of “meihua quan” (plum blossom boxing) has held events and performances such as “showing boxing” at festivals in Guangzong County, southern Hebei Province. This has not only helped to form a wide social mobilization pattern in the rural society, but also reach a universal trust state across villages. If following the basic logic that traditional festivals are embedded in rural cultural governance, we can not only further clarify villagers’ sense of life boundary of traditional festival culture, but also transform traditional festival folk customs into an important cultural governance resource, which will have lasting impact on the governance pattern of villages in the future.

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    The Kinship Practices at Festivals in Contemporary Rural Areas:A Case Study of a Rural Family in Southwest Shangdong at the Spring Festival
    Jun-xia WANG
    2023, 55 (2):  122-132.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.011
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    In the process of modernization, people’s dual mobilities in class and region have made the homogenous kinship group become more and more heterogeneous, which has been profoundly influencing rural kinship practices nowadays. With the method of autoethnography, this paper tries to explore the logic of rural kinship practice in the process of modernization from the perspective of insiders to describe the kinship practice of a special individual as well as his or her family at the Spring Festival. Generally speaking, the custom of traditional kinship is inherited firmly on the one hand and is changed quickly on the other. The inheritance of the custom is due to the fact the youth generation and their parent generation share a common past with frequent face-to-face interaction. In this common past, the patriarchal kinship practice mode has been internalized as a part of the youth’s recognition, and the parent generation is still symbolically owning traditional authority to the youth. The change has been caused by two elements. First, the constraint of non-agricultural working time and the separated living space make the frequency and duration of face-to-face interaction between relatives greatly reduced, and the common life experience within the kinship network as well as the intimacy in the experience is becoming thinner and thinner, and the emotional power of the custom practice is becoming scarcer. Second, the youth are gradually in the process of individualization which focuses on themselves and their nuclear families, and the significance of kinship relation maintaining is weakening. With the struggle between inheritance and change, rural kinship network is increasingly lax today.

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    The Fundamental Economic Institution Attribution,Logical Relationship and Contemporary Relevance of China’s Scientific and Technological Innovation System and Mechanism
    Zhan LI, Bo Liu
    2023, 55 (2):  133-145.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.012
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    Against the background of the innovation-driven development strategy, the scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism increasingly demonstrate the attribution of the fundamental economic institution of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It was of great theoretical and practical significance for the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to include improving the system and mechanism of the scientific and technological innovation into the category of upholding and improving the basic socialist economic institution of China for the first time. The 20th National Congress of the CPC further decided to establish fundamental institution that encourages comprehensive innovation. China’s socialist economic institution has experienced different stages of evolution. The scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism are the theoretical choices for developing and improving the basic socialist economic system in the new era. Having the theoretical characteristics of the fundamental economic institution, the scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism form an inherent logical relationship with the fundamental socialist economic institution. The scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism is contemporarily relevant since it, together with the system with the public ownership as the main body and various types of ownership economies developing together, the system with the distribution according to work as the main body and various distribution methods co-existing, and the socialist market economic system, constitutes an essential element of the basic socialist economic institution. The scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism are the innovation and development of the fundamental economic institution in promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity and are the experience summary and institutional innovation of the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. They are in line with China’s national conditions and development reality and are conducive to the liberation and development of productive forces and the realization of high-quality economic development. They have important theoretical significance and practical value for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics on the new journey of realizing the second centenary goal.

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    Trade Frictions and Technological Innovation:Empirical Analysis Based on Transnational Data
    Shu-xin SONG, Yi-run CHEN, Jun WEN
    2023, 55 (2):  146-160.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.013
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    Against the background of increasing global trade protectionism, trade frictions have become an important tool for countries around the world to maintain domestic economic order and industrial safety. Innovation is the core of economic development. Whether trade frictions have harmed the technological innovation of the target country is worthy of in-depth discussion. Based on the cross-country panel data of 119 countries in the world from 2000 to 2015, we analyze the effect and mechanism of trade frictions on technological innovation of the target country. The result shows that trade frictions have significantly inhibited the improvement of the target country’s technological innovation level. This conclusion is still valid under a series of robustness tests such as the selection of different trade frictions measurement methods, the replacement of innovative measurement indicators, the introduction of instrument variables. Mechanism tests show that trade frictions mainly damage the target country’s technological innovation by reducing the degree of openness and hindering international personnel exchanges. Further research finds that optimizing the industrial structure, improving the level of financial development and enhancing government effectiveness can significantly resist the adverse impact of trade frictions on national technological innovation. Against the background of frequent trade frictions, emerging countries, including China, should further elevate the technology innovation capabilities by firmly implementing developing strategies such as promoting freedom, diversity and convenience of trading, improving the new pattern of opening up, expanding the external exchanges of top human capital, and promoting the rationalization of industrial organizations.

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    Digital Financial Inclusion,Technological Innovation and Urban Carbon Emissions Intensity
    Shou-xi LI, Jia-hao ZHANG
    2023, 55 (2):  161-172.  doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2023.02.014
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    Based on the prefectural urban panel data from 2011 to 2018, this paper uses the instrumental variable method to empirically analyze the impact and mechanism of digital inclusive finance on carbon dioxide emission intensity. It finds that the development of digital inclusive finance can effectively curb urban carbon emission intensity; as far as its mechanism is concerned, digital inclusive finance mainly reduces the carbon emission intensity of cities by promoting regional technological innovation; digital inclusive finance has a greater inhibitory effect on the carbon emission intensity of resource-based cities than non-resource-based cities, and its inhibition effects on the carbon emission intensity of resource-based cities are decreasing based on different stages of development, in order of maturity, decline, regeneration, and growth. To promote the high-quality development of China’s economy and the early realization of the “dual carbon goals”, on the one hand, we should facilitate the level of digital financial inclusion in the cities so as to make it play a more active role in both the economic and technological fields, and on the other hand, we should implement differentiated development strategies and formulate digital inclusive financial and technological innovation policies based on the city’s resource base and development stage.

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