华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2004, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 34-40+120-121.doi: 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5579.2004.02.006

• 宗教研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2004-01-05 出版日期:2004-03-25 发布日期:2004-02-25
  • 作者简介:庸忠毛(1969-), 男, 安徽舒城人,华东师范大学哲学系博士生,法政学院讲师

The Therapeutic Value of Buddhist Philosophy to the Predicament of Modernity

Zhong-mao TANG   

  • Received:2004-01-05 Online:2004-03-25 Published:2004-02-25


面对现代性的问题与困境, 以佛教哲学资源来进行反省和诊疗具有一定的价值和意义。佛教思想家和研究者们对现代性的诊疗主要基于佛教自身的“理性”对现代理性进行反省和批判, 其核心思想在于揭示西方现代“自我”的虚妄性, 指出西方现代理性本身也必须进行“祛魅”, 从而实现真正的自我、自由并呈现意义世界。当然, 这种反省与诊疗并非是单向的, 而是呈现出一种有张力的状态: 一方面, 佛教思想家们被西方启蒙运动在科学、民主方面的成就所吸引; 另一方面, 他们中许多人对于现代性的危机及其虚无的结果深表忧患。也许正是这种张力才有助于建构起立足中国自身传统的现代性, 并为解决现代人共同面对的现代性问题寻找可能的出路。

关键词: 现代性, 自我, 理性化, 个体, 自由, 佛教哲学


Facing problems and awkward predicaments of modernity, there are philosophical reflections and criticisms as well in the tradition of Buddhist thoughts. To the dilemma of Western modernity, Buddhism advances a series of critical solutions based on its own "rationality". Their core is to reveal that the so-called Western "modern ego" is only an illusion and the modern Western rationality itself should be "disenchanted" as well, thus realizing a kind of true ego and freedom and presenting a meaningful world. The dialogue between Buddhism and modernity presents a confronting tension. On the one hand those Buddhist thinkers are attracted by the Western enlightenment movement that achieved a number of accomplishments in science and democracy; on the other, some of them are much concerned about the crisis and illusion of modernity. It is such a conflict or tension that may be helpful to build a kind of modernity based on Chinese own traditions and to solve problems on modernity confronted by modern people.

Key words: modernity, rationality, ego, disenchantment, freedom
