华东师范大学(哲学社会科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 47-52.

• 伦理学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

行动的没落 |


  1. 安徽师范大学政治学院,安徽芜湖,241002
  • 出版日期:2014-01-15 发布日期:2014-03-02
  • 通讯作者: 吴兴华
  • 作者简介:吴兴华
  • 基金资助:


The Decline of the Action: Arendt’s Thought about the Source of the Alienation

WU Xing-hua   

  1. Anhui Normal University Political College, Anhui Wuhu 241002
  • Online:2014-01-15 Published:2014-03-02
  • Contact: WU Xing-hua
  • About author:WU Xing-hua

摘要: 在阿伦特看来,人的积极活动包含了劳动、工作和行动三个方面。劳动由于与自然生命相关,从而将人局限在私人领域之中,而与人之本性无关;行动则将人从自然生命和私人领域中超拔出来,进入到公共生活领域之中,从而构成了人之为人的根本。现代人恰恰违反了人的本质特性,为了物质欲望而沉迷于劳动,从而退出公共领域而将自己闭锁在狭隘的私人空间中,以致成了孤立的个体。因此,现代人要想从异化状态中解放出来,就必须回归于行动。阿伦特的研究将公共政治领域的重要性空前地凸显出来,强调了政治参与是每个人不可推卸的责任与天命,对于一心关注自我的现代人无疑具有强烈的警醒作用。

关键词: 异化, 行动, 劳动解放, 孤立个体, 公共领域

Abstract: Arendt thinks that vita active include three aspects: Labor, Work and Action. Labor related to the natural life and restricted people in narrow private realm, so it has nothing to do with human nature. Political activities make people break away from natural life and the private realm, and enter the public realm. So the action makes up the root of the person’s behavior. The modern people just violated nature characteristics of the human and in order to material desires addicted to labor. They disaffiliated from the public realm and restricted themselves in narrow private realm of the labor, so become the individual. So in order to liberation from the alienation, the modern people must return to action. Arendt’s research stands out the importance of the field of the public political and emphasizes the political participation which is an unavoidable responsibility and destiny to everyone. It has strong warning role to the modern people focused on themselves.

Key words: Hannah Arendt, action, labor liberation, the individual, public realm