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Volumn Content

    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 2014 Vol.46
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    Facing a Historical Opportunity:The Sino-American Rapprochement and Sino-North Korean Relations(1971-1974)
    chen zhi hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 1-14.  
    Abstract1035)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (670KB)(2530)       Save
    To extricate themselves from diplomatic predicaments,both China and the United States needed a rapprochement in their relationship. At the same time,it offered a historical opportunity for the peaceful resolution of the Korean issue. In its diplomatic negotiations with the United States,the Chinese government paid special attention to the interests and demands of North Korea and promised to assist Pyongyang in achieving peaceful unification. With China’s diplomatic maneuvers with the United States and efforts at the UN,the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea was disbanded in November 1973. In this process,North Korea adopted more radical and uncompromising measures,which were in sharp contrast to the Chinese tactics. Primarily due to the escalated tension between South and North Koreas,the issue of U.S. withdrawal from South Korea was not resolved. Taking advantages of the Sino-American rapprochement,the international standing and security environment of North Korea was greatly enhanced. During this period of time,China and North Korea was able to maintain friendly relations,and the relationship was further improved. In sum,China made an effort to help North Korea,while North Korea depended too much on China.
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    Zhou Enlai and Kissinger’s November 1973 Visit to China
    Chen Jian
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 15-26.  
    Abstract798)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (760KB)(2796)       Save
    By comparing declassified American documents with available Chinese materials, as well as referring to the author’s dialogue with Dr. Kissinger himself at the “Kissinger documentary conference” at Yale University in March 2012, this paper tries to have some fresh exploration of Kissinger’s visit to China in November 1973, Zhou’s discussion with him about Chinese-American military-intelligence cooperation and, in relation with them, the Politburo’s criticism of Zhou after Kissinger’s visit.
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    Some Features of Technical Cognition in Ancient China
    Li Quanmin
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 27-32.  
    Abstract804)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (454KB)(1333)       Save
    The traditional knowledge in technology is the production of natural cognition. In the technological activities of ancient China, the content of value was fused into technical knowledge, and the function of embodied cognition and tacit knowledge was intensified. These cognitive features brought about the prosperity of practical technology, but on the other hand, inhibited the development of theoretical aspects of rationality and knowledge.
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    Intention and Action:causal relation or logical relation? 
    — A study on von Wright’s theory of logical connection argument
    Zhang Su-zhen
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 33-39.  
    Abstract898)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (427KB)(2032)       Save
    The most controversial point between intentionalists and causalists is whether the relation of intention and action is logical or causal. Logical connection argument is posed by intentionalism to against causalism. Von Wright supports LCA and proves it in a new way. But concerning strong or weak logical relation, his view experienced a change from strong version into weak version. His view of change reflect the Neo-Wittgensteinian’ s probe on this subject, that is, to insist the peculiarity of explanation of action is to point out the misplace of causal explanation on one hand, and on another to base the explanation on the richness of social life which had to be accepted seriously.
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    A despotic Rousseau or a liberal Rousseau?
    Liu Shi-gong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 40-46.  
    Abstract820)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (456KB)(2687)       Save
    The classical liberalists such as Edmund Burke and Constant de Rebecque usually magnify the difference of John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, regarding Locke as one of the founders of liberalism and Rousseau as an advocate of despotism. This is a serious misunderstanding for Rousseau’s political philosophy, for they do not interpret The Social Contract as a whole, but just understand it by twos and threes. Actually, if we read the book carefully faithfully, we will find that Rousseau also recognize human rights and guard against the dangers of government’s usurping the sovereign. He not only defined strictly the concepts of general will, the whole body and sovereign which are misunderstood repeatedly, but also design some projects to confine the power of government so as to realize the general will.
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    The Decline of the Action: Arendt’s Thought about the Source of the Alienation
    WU Xing-hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 47-52.  
    Abstract826)   HTML11)    PDF(pc) (464KB)(1427)       Save
    Arendt thinks that vita active include three aspects: Labor, Work and Action. Labor related to the natural life and restricted people in narrow private realm, so it has nothing to do with human nature. Political activities make people break away from natural life and the private realm, and enter the public realm. So the action makes up the root of the person’s behavior. The modern people just violated nature characteristics of the human and in order to material desires addicted to labor. They disaffiliated from the public realm and restricted themselves in narrow private realm of the labor, so become the individual. So in order to liberation from the alienation, the modern people must return to action. Arendt’s research stands out the importance of the field of the public political and emphasizes the political participation which is an unavoidable responsibility and destiny to everyone. It has strong warning role to the modern people focused on themselves.
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    Procedural Regulations of Simultaneous Sound and Video Recording Applied in the Investigation and Interrogation in the New Criminal Litigation Law: Predicaments and Solutions
    WANG Yong-jie
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 53-60.  
    Abstract647)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (486KB)(1926)       Save
    Although the new criminal litigation law has stipulated the system of simultaneous sound and video recording, some problems still exist. For example, the sound and video recording is optional, and the delivery of sound and video records is not clear. After analyzing the causes, this paper suggests that we should, by drawing upon the legislation and judicature experiences in other countries, clarify and solve the following issues concerning sound and video recording so as to ensure the benign operation of this system: its litigant status, its judicial scope, its testimony and the punishment for violating the stipulations.
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    The International Maritime Dispute Settlement Organs’ Jurisdiction Power on China
    Luo Guoqiang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 61-67.  
    Abstract880)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (507KB)(2302)       Save
    The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea established an international maritime disputes settlement mechanism centered on the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea and supplemented by international arbitral tribunals, which is the foundation of Philippians’ applying for international arbitration on South China Sea disputes. However, the forming of arbitral tribunal is not equal to determination of jurisdiction, the tribunal must find out it really have jurisdiction power on the case before entering into any formal trails. And according to article 298 of the convention and the written announcement China had made before, the arbitral tribunal should have no jurisdiction to the case. From theory of law, Philippians’ asking China to accept a jurisdiction that never agreed by China, is against the essential logic of international and an unjustified abuse of the right to sue. China should point out Philippians’ abuse of this disputes settlement mechanism has violated the good faith obligation posed by article 300, make objection to the jurisdiction and make clear that China has the right to withdraw from the convention in order to protect its national sovereignty.
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    On the Development of Nongovernmental Charity Network in Modern Shanghai
    RUAN Qing-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 68-77.  
    Abstract612)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (1038KB)(1393)       Save
    By analyzing the history of nongovernmental charity in Shanghai before 1949, this paper discovers that various charity groups integrated and formed some large-scale charity organizations in modern times. They knitted a huge social net in terms of organization structure, charity activities and fund support. The charity network played a role of bridging in charity, which helped the civil society have great capacities to organize and manage itself even in the time when Shanghai was suffered from unstable political situation with complicated mix of foreigners and Chinese people. This demonstrates that during the process of social transformation in modern China, the civil society, instead of in a status of disunity, disorder and chaos, gradually formed and developed a self-organizing and self-managing system.
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    Reason or Fanaticism? Study on the Shanghai Housewives’ Participation in Industrial production from 1958 to 1962
    Zhang Niu-mei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 78-84.  
    Abstract741)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (584KB)(1293)       Save
    A Large number of Shanghai housewives flooded in industrial production from 1958 to 1962. In 1958, with the continuing leap, industrial production of the city had rapid growth due to the “take steel as the key link” policy, while labor resource of the planned economy system could not meet the need of radical industrial production. It was a wise choice for government flexibly use housewives to fill the employment gap. However, in practice, factories,enterprises and urban governance institutions had complicated performance. Different participants played the “polyphonic” and “out of tune” of the Great Leap theme.
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    Fan Wencheng and the Transplantation of the Ming Dynasty Imperial Examination System in the Early Qing Dynasty
    ZONG Yun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 85-91.  
    Abstract767)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (704KB)(1794)       Save
    The early Qing Dynasty witnessed the overall transplantation of the imperial examination system in the Ming Dynasty. It was Fan Wencheng who copied the system. Before Manchu government’s entering Shanhaiguan, Fan Wencheng, authorized by Hong Taiji, built schools and held imperial examinations under the regime of Manchu government so as to pave the way for recovering the imperial examination system in the Ming Dynasty. After the government’s entering Shanghaiguan, Fan Wencheng’s point of view that “if the hearts of literati and officialdom are won, the hearts of common people will be gained as well” was deeply approved by the Emperor. While implementing the imperial examination system, Fan Wencheng worked as the chief examinerof the metropolitan examinationfor three times and put forward many constructive suggestions about improving the imperial examination system referring to the practice in the Ming Dynasty. The reason why Fan Wencheng became a promoter of “copying the imperial examination system in the Ming Dynasty” in the early Qing Dynasty is obviously related to his family background and his knowledge about Han culture, but more profoundly is due to the Emperor’s policy of winning Han intellectuals over and alleviating contradictions among different peoples.
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    Study of path of urbanization in China
    Zhang Yong-yue & Wang Yuan-hua
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 92-100.  
    Abstract730)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (1053KB)(2112)       Save
    At present, China's urbanization has entered the accelerating stage. It is very important for us to choose the path of urbanization. This article discusses the Chinese urbanization path in depth. The path is to strengthen the large city agglomeration effect, promote the formation of city agglomeration, promote urbanization with industries as the leader, government instructs and market operates, establish the integrated urban-rural ecological wisdom city. The main measures are to continue to promote the industrialization and agricultural modernization, strengthen education and consciousness of citizenship, accelerate land reform, clear the obstacles in the urbanization process.
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    A Study on Equalization of Basic Public Service in Rural and Urban Areas in the Process of Urbanization in China: Analytical Framework and Path Choosing from a Supply-demand Perspective
    Yu Ji1 YU Jia2
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 101-106.  
    Abstract924)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (931KB)(1830)       Save
    Against the background of urbanization, China’s basic public service in the rural and urban areas has shifted from the urban-rural dual structure to the more complex urban-semi-urban-rural trinity structure. The study of the equalization of basic public services should take into consideration the supply-demand relations, and focus on the common and different needs of three heterogeneous groups for public service, i.e. citizens, quasi-citizens (rural-to-urban migrants) and rural residents, as well as on how to mobilize resources from the government, society and the market to meet their needs. Firstly, the financial input system should be improved, in order to ensure the satisfaction of the common needs of urban and rural population. Secondly, the synergy supply from the government, society and the market should be encouraged, so as to meet, with more efficiency, the rural and urban population’s distinct needs for public service. Last but not the least, reforms on the land system and the household registration system should be conducted so as to remove obstacles on the way to the equalization of basic public service in the rural and urban areas.
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    The Characteristics of Social Psychology and the Innovation of Social Management of Township in Transformational Period
    Xie Wei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 107-112.  
    Abstract662)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (508KB)(1588)       Save
    The concept of social management was mentioned and confirmed in the background of the comprehensive transformation of China’s society. In the transformational period of China’s townships, there are some characteristics as followings: the self-consciousness of the members of rural society strengthened; economic psychology more active; relative deprivation improved; obvious public's ambivalence in consumption; anti- authority and so on. The structure of relative balance of townships has been broken and the functions of social systems are in the new coordination process, what’s more, the breakdown of social order has appeared. The current social management in rural areas should focus on the maintenance of social order and create the orderly and vibrant social conditions and social environment with the establishment government supports and participating of more organizations which can promote the enhancement of social harmony.
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    Regional Differences on Income Distribution Effects of Price Fluctuations: Empirical Study Based on inter-Provincial Panel Data in China
    ZHANG Chuan-Yong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 113-120.  
    Abstract692)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (841KB)(2012)       Save
    In recent years, housing prices continued to rise, especially with rapid growth rates periodically in some areas. This phenomenon and its possible economic and social problems caused widespread attention. Based on the inter-provincial panel data of 27 provinces in central, eastern and western regions of China in 2000-2010, we found that regional income disparities and the rate of change of housing prices exists co-integration relationship. Further, our results show that distribution effects of housing price fluctuations have obvious regional differences by LSDV method, that is, income gaps and housing prices fluctuations have positively correlation in eastern and western regional ,but the correlation is not obvious the central region. Therefore, in addition to the real estate macro-control policies to curb speculative demand, we should focus on solute the widening income gap and other social problems which produce by housing prices fluctuations, and should be treated differently in different areas.
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    Real Estate Rental Market and Tenure Choice Mechanic of Real Estate Market 
    ——Based on Empirical Analysis of Residential Market in Developed Countries
    CUI Pei, HU Jin-xing and ZHOU Shen-long
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 121-127.  
    Abstract732)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (1315KB)(2109)       Save
    This paper is engaged on theoretic study and empirical analysis of the function of rental real estate market to real estate tenure choice mechanics by the international comparison of rental housing market in main developed countries and co-integration test of the house price index and residential rental index in US and Germany. It’s disclosed that in the countries with mature rental housing market, there are housing tenure choice mechanics which forces the house prices keep away from more fluctuation under the restriction of rental. In China, the rental housing market is hardly mature. That’s one of the main reasons of lack of the mechanics for housing market to adjust its movement itself in China. Chinese government ought to improve its administration by focusing on that.
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    On the Impact of Interest Rate Fluctuation on the Housing Prices in the Framework of Partial Balance Analysis
    SHI You-wen, WANG Ming-fu and LIN Xiao-hong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 128-137.  
    Abstract709)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (581KB)(1922)       Save
    Based on the structure of consumers in the real estate market, this paper constructs a theoretical mode that balances partially the property purchasers and developers and investigates the impact of interest rate fluctuation on the housing prices. The result shows that the impact of interest rate fluctuation on the housing prices depends on the structure of purchasers. When the number of purchasers who get loans from banks is larger than the critical point, the increase of interest rate causes the decrease of housing prices. The GMM estimation of the panel data of China’s 35 large and middle sized cities in 2000-2012 shows the actual interest rate fluctuation in a short term has a reverse relation with housing prices. Although the impact is weak, it verifies the conclusion of our theoretical analysis. Empirical tests also find out that other macroeconomic variables, including policies and world economy, have remarkable impacts on housing prices. Therefore, the interest rate policies should be implemented with other measurements in order to regulate and control the real estate market.
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    Digest of “ History should not Be Dramatized ——A Review of “ The Sight of a Dynasty’s Back”
    XIONG Yupeng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (1): 138-147.  
    Abstract826)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (788KB)(1585)       Save
    “The Sight of a Dynasty’s Back” ist the representative work of Yu Qiuyu’s culture theme essays. It is an article not worthy of the fame it enjoys in the literary arena. Firstly, the argument of the article is false. Ignoring the historical facts, the article eulogizes the Qing Dynasty’s emperors as the best in China’s history, admires the Imperial Summer Villa as the blessed symbolic construction of Qing Dynasty which could even match the significance of the Great Wall, and declares the fall of Qing Dynasty was due to the loss of the enormous vitality demonstrated by the Imperial Summer Villa. Secondly, the writing lacks the basic academic ethics. To reverse the negative evaluation of Qing Dynasty, Yu Qiuyu fabricates stories, distorts slogans, and lodges false accusations against history teachers and forerunners of the Revolution of 1911. The suicide of Chinese ancient civilization studies Master Wang Guowei ist even depicted as a typical tragedy of an old die-hard of Qing Dynasty. Aware of the article’s absurdity, Yu Qiuyu tries hard to cover up his errors through switching concept in the argument, which exposes both dishonest attitude and unserious style of writing.
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    How to Create “Universality” in a New Way?: Kojin_Karatani’s “Written Language and Nationalism” and the Idea of “Particular Universality”
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 1-15.  
    Abstract1368)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (620KB)(1761)       Save
    In its rereading of Saussure on the one hand and Derrida’s and Tokieda Motoki’s reading of Saussure on the other, Kojin Karatani’s “Written Language and Nationalism” shows a methodological awareness of the “surface reading” and how to reread classics with this method as well. Similarly, this paper interprets Karatani’s work at two levels: we not only read the discussion of Karatani but also interpret how he read Saussure on the one hand and Derrida’s and Motoki’s reading of Saussure on the other hand. In addition, Derrida’s direct response to Karatani lets us see closely the rereading of the reader, which helps to form a complete process of reading. It is in a series of rereading that Karatani criticizes important Oriental and Western theories of language. His critique is not only a critique of language, but also a critique of modernity - especially a critique of modernity based on the special historical experience in East Asia, that is, the complicated relations among Western, Japanese and Chinese languages. However, it is not a critique of universality from the perspective of particularity since Karatani tries to universalize his “Japanese issue”. “Written Language and Nationalism” demonstrates a valuable effort to recreate universality through particularity.
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    The “Urban Narrative Group” and “Non-Western Modernity”: On the Relation between the Concept of Decadence in Leo Ou-fan Lee’s Shanghai Modern and Modern Literature as a Discipline as well
    XIA Wei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 16-23.  
    Abstract899)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (658KB)(2313)       Save
    Shanghai Modern was once misunderstood as a “spokesperson” of the official mainstream ideology, but it is in fact a serious academic work. Its contributions can be described in such a way: it uncovers the “urban narrative group” represented by Shi Zhecun and Mu Shiying, which has been ignored in modern Chinese literature as a discipline before 1980s due to the “decadence”; it discovers two typical “non-Western” modernity in modern Shanghai, that is, “identity depression” and “criticism deficiency”, so that it illustrates a feasibility of examining modernity through modern literature.
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    Aesthetic Emotion and Will, Social Concern, and Humanistic Ideal: On the Similarities between The Literary Mind and The Carving of Dragons and Marxist Aesthetics
    LU Xiao-guang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 24-32.  
    Abstract741)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (756KB)(1800)       Save
    The study of Wenxin Diaolong (The Literary Mind and The Carving of Dragons), which is a classical work of literature theory in ancient China, needs a new approach of putting it in the context of the “world literature”. On the other hand, the literature theory in Marxist aesthetics, which originated from the West, also requires a new way to combine itself with Chinese cultural resources so as to realize its development in contemporary China. This paper explores the similarities between Wenxin Diaolong and Marxist aesthetics from three aspects, namely, aesthetic emotion and will, social concern, and humanistic ideal.
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    The De-metaphysicalizing of the “Dao”: Ogyu Sorai’s Attempt at Constructing Politicized Confucianism during the Tokugawa Period in Japan
    WU Zhen
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 33-40.  
    Abstract893)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (602KB)(1627)       Save
    The Ogyu Sorai School in the intellectual history of Tokugawa takes it as its mission to revive the Dao of Confucian sages and subvert the Neo-Confucian metaphysics. In deconstructing the Neo-Confucian concept of Tiandao, Sorai claims that “the Dao is a general name”, the Dao “is created by former kings”, the Dao is diverse, etc. In this way, he emphasizes that the Dao is a posteriori, artificial and concrete so as to subvert the a priori, abstract and metaphysical Dao. After the de-metaphysicalization and de-moralization of the “Dao”, he attempts to construct a Japanese type of politicized Confucianism. Ogyu Sorai is against the opinion of rejecting the Dao of Confucian sages since cultures of different lands are different. He argues that the ritual and music system from Dao has universal applicability in achieving virtue. On the other hand, he claims a principle which is also suitable for Japanese society: the system even arranged by sages should change with time because of the historical diversity of the Dao. In this sense, Ogyu Sorai’s doctrine of the Dao is characterized by concrete universality.
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    On Mou Zongsan’s “Moral-history Teleology”
    LU Xing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 41-46.  
    Abstract806)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (456KB)(1543)       Save
    Mou Zongsan’s historical philosophy inherits Hegel’s basic ideas such as “spiritual dialectics” and historical progress. However, he reconstructs in a Confucian way the “spirit” that controls and drives the world history process, highlighting the moral connotation of the “spirit”. The integration of Hegel’s “progress teleology” with traditional Confucian “moral teleology” forms “moral-history teleology” with distinctive characteristics of modernity. Promoted by morals, the purpose of national history is to establish the nation-state, and the purpose of world history is to realize datong, the “great union of the world”. Mou’s concept of datong illustrates the transformation of Confucianism from tradition to modernity.
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    The Issue of the Present and the Double Dimensions of Historicism
    WU Guan-jun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 47-55.  
    Abstract769)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (592KB)(1422)       Save
    Taking the recent heated debate on China’s particularities among Chinese scholars as its starting point, this paper endeavors to tackle the issues of the present and particularism at a philosophical level. It consists of four parts. Firstly, the paper addresses the question why the present matters significantly to sociopolitical deliberations. Then it moves on in discussing the inner ambiguities of Hegel’s historicism, and the problems of Leo Strauss’s anti-historicist thesis. The last section of the paper proposes a dialectics between the particular and the universal, and argues that once (re)viewing the “China model” topic from the perspective of the Foucauldian “ontology of the present” as critical ontology, participants of this current debate will be able to free themselves from the factionalist opposition between “Rightists” and “Leftists”, and turn the debate into a more productive one.
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    International Relations, Morality and Moralism: An Ethical Examination of Realism
    REN Jun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 56-63.  
    Abstract900)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (525KB)(1613)       Save
    In Western theories of international relations, realism is an important tradition. The relation between the theory of global justice and realism is an issue that political philosophers have to treat seriously. On the one hand, we should clarify that morality is relevant to international relations and criticize the strong version of realism in order to pave the way for the theory of global justice. On the other hand, we should notice that it is not morality but moralism that contemporary mainstream realism represented by Hans Morgenthau rejects. In this sense, the theory of global justice seems compatible with temperate versions of realism. They present two indispensable perspectives for the normative study of international relations.
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    The Tianxia Consciousness of Baekje and the Tianxia Order of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties
    LI Lei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 64-71.  
    Abstract814)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (789KB)(2609)       Save
    In the historical trend that different ethnical groups began to build their own regimes after the disintegration of the great union of the Easter Jin Dynasty, Baekje represented a typical performance. With the tianxia Consciousness, Baekje formally constructed a unified political system and shared a same cultural world with the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The reason why the King of Baekje obtained a title in Baekje’s first presenting tribute to the Eastern Jin lies in the international situation and respective domestic demands at that time on the one hand and the fact that the king family of Baekje was the offspring of Buyeo on the other. Since then, almost each King of Baekje sent an envoy to the court of the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties to accept the former king’s title at the beginning of his reign. In the 5th century, especially after the King Dongseong submitted to the imperial court, it became a usual practice that the officials in Baekje must be appointed by the court of the Southern Dynasties. Compared with King of Dangchang and King of Henan, King of Baekje enjoyed special privileges from the imperial court in terms of absorbing the culture system of the region of jiangzuo due to their cultural and emotional identity. Baekje and the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties shared the same tianxia order, and the decline of the Southern Dynasties also caused the decline of Baekje.
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    On the Establishment of the Unemployment Insurance in Weimar Germany
    Meng Zhongjie
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 72-81.  
    Abstract726)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (567KB)(1287)       Save
    Since the end of the 19th century, unemployment had become one of dominant phenomena in German society. However, the unemployment insurance was shelved by the imperial government due to many disputes. During the World War I, in order to get the support from the working class, the imperial government changed its position and started the reform of the poor relief system. It was not until 1927 that the unemployment insurance system was finally established in Weimar Germany. Nevertheless, a fuse that caused directly the decline of Weimar democracy had been buried in this insurance system since it was at best a product of complicated social relations, postwar political transmission and economic fluctuations. Weimar government regarded it as a way to control and solve social crises and it failed to foresee financial capacity and possible development in the future.
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    Eternality and Historical Change: Livy’s Understanding of History in Ab Urbe Condita
    WANG Yue
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 82-87.  
    Abstract947)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (562KB)(2494)       Save
    Collingwood, a prominent philosopher of history, claims that a defect in Greek and Roman Historiography is substantialism, which is based on the concept of substance in Plato and Aristotle. According to Collingwood, substantialism has determined the way to describe Rome in Livy so that it remains eternal from the very beginning of its foundation with distinctive institutions and unique spirits. However, Livy’s Ab Urbe Condita shows how Rome changed from her beginning to Livy’s own age. Augury, senate, legion and other institutions were in the course of evolution, and Roman virtues declined with the accumulated wealth from abroad. In effect, Livy understands history in an evolutional way.
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    Economic Folklore: To Explore the Trace of Identity Economy
    TIAN Zhao-yuan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 88-96.  
    Abstract744)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (553KB)(1835)       Save
    Folklore economy is very prosperous in today’s China, but economic folklore hasn’t been started until the late 20th century and has merely focuses on the arrangement of general resources of folklore economy. Economic folklore and folklore economy, as the basic object of economic folklore, are two important categories, between which there are both distinctions and connections. A large-scale investigation of Chinese folklore economy resources is required in order to build a database for the development of such resources. Political and institutional culture has a crucial impact on folklore consumption custom. Folklore economy is very significant to cultural continuity and identity. Consumption custom constitutes one of the core driving forces for economy. Folklore ecology is comprehensively related to the development of economy. As an enormous knowledge system, economic folklore requires a systemic construction. As for the productive protection of intangible heritage, which is a cultural focus in recent years, we should go beyond the simple perspective of production and solve the survival predicament of traditional intangible heritage by constructing culture identity so as to effectively promote the benign development of intangible heritage.
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    The “Unusual” Cuisine and Escape Culture in China’s Southern Minorities
    WU Xu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 97-102.  
    Abstract804)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (625KB)(1656)       Save
    With the development of agri-tourism in China’s southern minority villages, some unique local diet customs (the so-called “unusual” cuisine such as wild, raw and stinky food) become a heated topic in media and among common people. The unusual cuisine, widely recorded and commented by Chinese scholars in history, has been taken as the label of minorities’ alienness and primitiveness. From the perspective of escape culture, this paper argues that such cuisine had important cultural functions in helping minority peoples escape from the state control. The “savage” food reduced the importance of staple food (i.e., rice), avoided the accumulation of surplus food and served as markers of boundaries between minorities and plain states.
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    The Myth of “a Stone Buddha Floating on the Sea” and Shanghai Regional Image Construction
    BI Xu-ling
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 103-109.  
    Abstract747)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (642KB)(1365)       Save
    As a famous myth in Chinese history of Buddhism, “a stone Buddha floating on the sea” happened in Shanghai in the Six Dynasties. It is said that a stone Buddha floated to Hudu seaside, and it was finally placed in Suzhou Tongxuan Temple. This myth was advocated by Emperor Jianwen of Liang in an article. The Tang Court sent officials to visit the Buddha and then duplicated it in Chang’an City. The myth was also painted in Dunhuang Grottoes and spread oversea. The myth, which originally happened in Hudu, became national. Since the Song Dynasty, Shanghai region has started to compete for the resources of the myth. Clouds Chorography (Yunjian Zhi) applies it to construct the early history of Jing’an Temple, and develops new plots, including a story that the stone Buddha was placed first in Hudu Chongxuan Temple (Jing’an Temple) in Shanghai. Records of Temples (Siji) in the Southern Song Dynasty, Collected Poems of the Eight Scenery Spots at Jing'an Temple (Jing’an Bayong Ji) in the Yuan Dynasty and other chorographic writings construct the sacred history of Shanghai regional society. Shanghai gradually controlled the discourse power of the myth. Jing’ an, originally a name of a temple, became a name of a central area in Shanghai. “Hudu”, the birthplace of the myth, became the landmark of Shanghai and even its new name. The evolution of the myth reflects that mythical resources have unique value in the construction of local society, and it also shows that Shanghai local society sticks to the mythical resource.
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    Towards Landscape Narrative: Modern Evolution of the Form and Function of Legends: A Case Study on Fahai Cave and Leifeng Tower
    YU Hong-yan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 110-117.  
    Abstract751)   HTML130)    PDF(pc) (689KB)(2798)       Save
    Landscape narrative is a narrative system comprised of many elements such as images, sculptures, billboards and tour guide manuals with legendary characters and plots as the premise and landscape buildings as the core. When the function of traditional oral narrative in modern society becomes weaker and weaker, landscapes undertake more and more narrative functions of narrating legends and inheriting legend values. This is a remarkable feature of modern folklore. The personage “Fahai” in the legend of the “White Snake” has been gradually transformed into the visual landscape “Fahai Cave”. The positive image of Fahai has been reconstructed, playing an active role in constructing regional politics and culture. The reconstructed Leifeng Tower extends the legend to real life surrounding the landscape by narrating systematically the legendary plots closely related to Leifeng Tower. This is a typical case that the legendary landscape surpasses the linguistic form. Today, folk legends are rather presented by landscapes than spread orally. In this way, the regional image is improved and local tourism is developed. Legends have become important resources of the cultural industry and regional politics. Behind this evolution, economic factors overwhelm moral factors and regional demands replace value demands.
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    Industrial Structure Low-Carbon Optimization under Double Targets in Chinese Industrial Sectors: To Achieve Emissions Reduction Target of 2020
    ZHANG Yun and DENG Gui-feng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 118-124.  
    Abstract1001)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (663KB)(1313)       Save
    China faces dual pressure of emissions reduction on international climate negotiations and domestic economy transformation, and Chinese government has announced the specific quantitative targets in 2020. This article constructs an industrial model with double targets to analyze the results about industrial output and employment maximization with constraint conditions including emissions intensity, water resource, employment, upper and lower bounds, of output value and nonnegative constraint. The result confirms industrial structure low-carbonization is an effective way to achieve the emission reduction target. And the simulation results after adjusting the parameters confirms that output increase can help achieve emissions reduction target of 2020 under certain condition. Therefore, China need to keep industrial growth and try industrial structure low-carbon optimization in transformation period of economic development pattern, and strictly controlling the growth rate of highly polluting industries is the breakthrough point.
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    The Comparison Study of Effect on Emission of FDI and Domestic Capital: An Empirical Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data
    LIN Ji and YANG Lai-ke
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 125-130.  
    Abstract1039)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (448KB)(1413)       Save
    The rapid expansion of foreign direct investment (FDI) facilitates high-speed economic growth in China, and inevitably results in the increase of CO2 emission. This paper compares the impact of FDI and that of domestic investment on CO2 emission based on provincial panel data of China from 1999 to 2011. It shows that there is a long-term relationship amongst CO2 emission, foreign investment, domestic investment, industrial structure and urbanization level. Although investments from both domestic and foreign enterprises increase CO2 emission in China, the foreign enterprises have less impact on CO2 emission. A 1% increase in FDI leads to increase CO2 emission by 0.22% and CO2 emission per capita by 0.20%. A 1% increase in domestic investment leads to increase CO2 emission by 0.42% and CO2 emission per capita by 0.32%. The panel data analysis also shows the raise of the secondary industry proportion and urbanization level increase CO2 emission in China significantly.
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    Comparative Research on WEEE Extended Producer Responsibility between America and Japan and Its Implication
    LV Jun, PANG Ya-nan, and CHANG Xin-yuan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 131-137.  
    Abstract841)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (1165KB)(1491)       Save
    Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipments (WEEE) are polluting global environment. Many developed countries are implementing extended producer responsibility (EPR) to efficiently take back and reuse WEEE. America and Japan are the countries that have implemented EPR for a long time and have similar electronic products as China. This paper argues that the main characters in American EPR are collective collection, collective recycling and cost allocation mechanism. American collection and recycling system is based on collective producer responsibility, while Japanese collection and recycling system is based on individual producer responsibility. In American financial system, producers are charged, and cost allocation is based on the combination of return share and market share. In Japanese financial system, end-users are charged and information is traced with the use of circulating receipts. China should learn from the implement models of America and Japan in order to design reasonable fund levy mechanism, develop subsidy allocation mechanism, implement IPR mode and cultivate consumer environment consciousness.
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    Research on Verification and Measurement of Environmental Cost Based on Material Flow Balances
    ZHANG Xiu-min, CAO Liu-long and FENG Xiao-yu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 138-144.  
    Abstract898)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (867KB)(1204)       Save
    In current environmental management practice, the connotation of environmental cost definition is still very inconsistent.Especially on the environmental cost confirmation caliber and measurement methods, there are still obvious discrepancy. So it’s essential to verify and measure enterprise environmental cost. From the view of environmental management accounting (EMA), intention and category of environmental cost is investigated, based on its various interior decision-making functions. Then material flow balances is introduced, and corresponding appraise project and process program are presented. And consistency check of information system is further discussed. Thus the data of production technology in the processing and financial account numbers can be compatible with each other. By improving the multiple material management flow balance, the material management system of the enterprise and inventory storage system improvement can be achieved, as the core of environmental cost assessment results. To a certain extent, it can help the integration of enterprise environment information systems and financial information system.
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    Fundamental Goals and Core Ideas of International Chinese Education: A New Analysis Based on “Emotional Geopolitics” and “International Understanding Education”
    HU Fan-zhu, HU Yu-hua, and LIU Yu-min
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (2): 145-150.  
    Abstract814)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (746KB)(1934)       Save
    What are the goals of international Chinese education? Some valuable possible answers are the following: the acquisition of Chinese language proficiency, the construction of communicative ability, the realization of economic interests, and the spread of Chinese culture. However, a series of questions appear: How shall we deal with the relations between these goals? Is there any goal that is more important than these ones? What is the core that goes through these goals? International Chinese education is by no means a simple way for language teaching or cultural dissemination. We can do more than strengthening Chinese economy and enhancing China’s international political status through international Chinese education. In essence, international Chinese education is a sort of “international understanding education” based on language proficiency training. It is a process which can affect “emotional geopolitics” and it should be an important power which can create emotional communication in the international society.
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    The Political Unreality of Political Realism
    Michael Freeden
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (3): 1-06.  
    Abstract769)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (512KB)(1288)       Save
    The paper contends that political realists shrink the complexity of the political, confining it to macro-discussions of power, confusing realism with liberal legitimation principles, reintroducing the ethical concerns from which they sought to distance themselves, and overlooking the emotional and the vernacular. In particular, recent realists engage in prescriptive rather than interpretative analysis in which democratic and humanitarian ideals are regarded as the basis of a realist approach, ignoring the fact that a properly real understanding of the political cannot be reduced to those features.
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    Several Factors Impacted the Transformation of Rites in the 18th Century
    YANG Nian-qun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2014, 46 (3): 7-15.  
    Abstract805)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (629KB)(1432)       Save
    The discussion about the transformation of rites in the 18th century should not limit itself in the intellectual history or the history of ideas. Rather, the transformation should be understood in a more complicated network of the interaction between institutions and ordinary life. Therefore, we should not only focus on the relation between the ritual system and the intellectual transformation in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but also take into account the connection of this transformation with the guidance of the emperors’ cultural tastes in the Qing Dynasty. By reflecting on the predicament of Confucian “dual rites”, we can see how the emperors and the gentry in the Qing Dynasty search the ways to overcome it, understand better the relation between textology and the “administrative practice” of rites, revaluate the function of the imperialist examinations system, and explain the leading role of the identity and rational movement of the literati with low social status in the rites reconstruction.
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