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    15 March 2012, Volume 44 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    A Survey of the History of Social Culture: A Reconsideration of Studies on 1950’s Shanghai
    ZHANG Ji-Shun
    2012, 44 (2):  1-7. 
    Abstract ( 1830 )   HTML ( 13 )   PDF (1867KB) ( 2134 )   Save
    In a perspective of sociocultural history it is necessary to overcome an inclination of “fragmentization” and avoid some mistaken “authoritarian” ideas in studies on the 1950’s Shanghai, thus making certain achievements in transformations of knowledge and methodology. There should be a series of fresh issues about Shanghai in the 1950’s under the thesis of “new Shanghai in modern China’. It may be an effective way for exploring social culture in the 1950’s Shanghai to discover and restudy those grey memory materials hiding in social grassroots.
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    The Mingdynasty Jiangnan Intellectuals’ Collection and Appreciation of Cultural Relics and Their Aesthetic Tastes
    CHEN Jiang
    2012, 44 (2):  8-15. 
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    In the late Ming Dynasty, Jiangnan intellectuals were keen on collection and appreciation of ancient books, calligraphy, paintings, jades, bronzes, porcelains and other types of cultural relics. They focused on art characteristics and cultural connotations of antiques, advocating simple, elegant, natural, implicit aesthetic tastes. Together with friends they enjoyed their collection and wrote poems or comments, which became their important part of spiritual life. Faced with an increasingly difficult living environment, Jiangnan intellectuals hid themselves in their studies and relics, trying to avoid earthly trouble and political risk. They wanted to use the joy of spiritual life to ease the pain of real life. However, they did not stay away from reality. They paid special attention to distinguish between elegance and vulgarity in order to exclude powerful officials and wealthy businessmen, and at the same time intellectuals’ selfconsciousness was also unceasingly aroused. Therefore, they retained some selfesteem and selfconfidence, and upheld the intellectual class moral principles, not completely subservient to pressures of power and money.
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    The Significance of Sea Power Practice in the Time of Zheng Chenggong to Contemporary China
    NI Le-Xiong
    2012, 44 (2):  16-22. 
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    The Zheng Chenggong group's powerful naval force, which was based on trade and military affairs, has important implications on contemporary China’s national defense reconstruction. If a society's economy is based on overseas trade, it must use navy to maintain its survival. The naval construction is necessary to maintain social existence and development, just as in the inland farming community, a strong army is necessary. The navy construction is an indispensable cost investment. Of course, today a maritime nation's military purpose is simply to maintain a fair and rational international trade order and safeguard its own legitimate commercial and trading interests.
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    A Study on Organizational Differences of the 17th century Chinese and Dutch Overseas Trade Groups
    ZHAO Ya-Dan
    2012, 44 (2):  23-29. 
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    In the 17th century, Dutch established the East India Company engaging in overseas trade in Asia, and the Zhengs overseas trade group could develop itself to be a leading private trader over the seas. Although they both were in pursuit of profits, their group organizational models had many differences because of their different formations and decisionmaking mechanisms. The East India Company was a largescale, state supported and jointstock company. The Zhengs overseas trade group was not a traditional overseas trader alliance which was loosely constructed and based on blood and geographical relations. It was a businessmilitary complex, which mixed a military organization with blood and geographical relations, and was a centralized administrative department of overseas trade with a function of customs.
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    A Modernity Program beyond Left and Right——Zhang Junmai’s Way to Build up a Nation
    GAO Li-Ke
    2012, 44 (2):  30-38. 
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    Zhang Junmai’s writing of Way to Build up a Nation was a reflection on epochal changes and China’s issues. Combining the world with China’s course of modernization and presenting his argument of a balance between “liberty” and “power”, he made his comprehensive responses to some important issues such as nationalism v. class politics, democratic politics v. authoritarian politics, socialism v. capitalism, and Chinese culture v. Western culture, putting forward a program of building up modern China which went beyond left and right wings. It might be regarded as a book of great thoughts in a great age.
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    Risk Society and Ecological Enlightenment
    PAN Bin
    2012, 44 (2):  39-43. 
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    In essence the risk is a category of modernity, and the risk society is an institutional effect and negative result of reflexive movement in modernity. The reflection on enlightenment and reconstruction of reason is a possible way to overcome the predicament of modernity. The ecological enlightenment, which is regarded as an intellectual revolution and political and social practice, is essentially a second enlightenment and rationalization. It is proposed to absorb ecological rationality into enlightenment rationality, maintain ecological justice and carry out ecological governance. The ecological enlightenment will go beyond the binary dilemma between man and nature by reconstructing a distribute mechanism and ethics in risk society, thus promoting transformations from industrial civilization to ecological civilization.
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    A Reconsideration of the Consumed Leisure
    ——A Reflection on Baudrillard’s Critique of Leisure
    PAN Hai-Ying
    2012, 44 (2):  44-49. 
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    Baudrillard’s leisure critique is based on the system of matter and consuming society. The substance of his critique focuses on leisure alienation. In consuming society, leisure is totally restrained and controlled, while the leisure people’s mentality is reconstructed. They are deprived of their subjectivity. His theory should be questioned. Are labor and leisure one and the same? Can leisure be authentic? And leisure people are manipulated or antimanipulation? It is just alienation in work that makes man separated from his development and makes work separated from man’s free creation. Leisure and work are contradictory and united. Therefore, leisure should be broken with alienation in work. It should be regressed to and merged together with daily life. In ideal society, leisure will be united with work on the dimension of freedom. The conclusion is: on the one hand leisure is in danger of being consumed because in consumerist society the possibility of leisure dissimilation is fortified; on the other hand leisure is just an alien force of consuming society and a weapon to change people’s alienation fate. The people can realize their antialienation by leisure activities.
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    Pocock’s Republican Interpretation of Machiavelli’s Language of Virtue
    WANG Yin-Li
    2012, 44 (2):  50-56. 
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    Pocock defined the history of political thought as the history of political discourse. This implies that a political writer’s speech itself is verbalizing a political act, and the writer’s discussions or interactions with his contemporaries at times result in a change of language paradigm. In his writing, The Machiavellian Moment, Pocock claimed that Machiavelli brought a language paradigmatic revolution for civil republicanism through his exploring Machiavelli’s virtuefortune language. This article provides a detailed account of Pocock’s exposition of Machiavelli’s concept of virtue, including universalization of civil virtue, politicization of virtue, and militarization of virtue.
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    Knowledge Evolution and Engineer Governance
    ——A Study on Thorstein Veblen’s Theory of Science and Technology
    LIU Yong-Mou
    2012, 44 (2):  57-63. 
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    Science and technology are important issues of Thorstein Veblen’s research. Introducing evolutionism and psychology into his research of science and technology, he put forward his determinism of science and technology, evolutionism of science and technology, and technocracy. As a point of junction in the development of technocracy, Veblen’s theory of science and technology contributed to the American theory of science and technology in the humanist tradition, which has been ignored for a long time. It has some inspirations for a study on philosophy of science and technology in China.
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    Democratic Politics and Passion
     ——On Chantal Mouffe’s Critique of Deliberative Democracy
    ZHENG Qi
    2012, 44 (2):  64-68. 
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    There has been a huge amount of interest in the theory of deliberative democracy in China in recent years. Scholars generally hold an optimistic attitude towards it. Nevertheless, before determining whether a theory is beneficial, it is needed to decide whether the theory is reasonable in itself. The introduction of Chantal Mouffe’s democratic model of agonistic pluralism may be helpful to reflect challenges or problems that the theory of deliberative democracy faces. On the basis of Carl Schmitt’s political theory, Mouffe criticizes deliberative democracy that is proposed by Rawls and other liberals. Different from deliberative democracy, Mouffe argues for the antagonistic nature of democratic politics and the importance of passion in cultivating citizens.
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    The Dilemma of Chinese Officials’ Governance and Its Solutions
    1、Zhang-Xuan , 2、Zhang-Guo-Yu
    2012, 44 (2):  69-75. 
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    The dilemma of Chinese government officials’ governance can be summed up as: on the one hand government officials’ group conducts are out of control; on the other hand the modernization process dominated by government has to rely on the government official group’s advancement. The dilemma results from government officials’ lack of a desire and ability of selfdiscipline and inadequate social supervision. As a result, the solutions lie in setting up an institutionalized interest negotiation mechanism and interest balance mechanism based on enhancing social public’s right to know and right of expression, and making full use of supervision by public opinion as a main carrier and important guarantee of public exercising their rights to know and of expression.
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    An Analysis of Procedures for Collecting Information of Serious Prejudice in the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
    WANG Yong-Jie
    2012, 44 (2):  76-81. 
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    The Annex V to WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures provides procedures for developing information concerning serious prejudice. The Annex V procedure is requested by the complaining member, initiated by DSB and facilitated by the designated representative. The designated representative needs to adopt procedure steps and additional procedures for a protection of business or strictly confidential information, make his questionnaire, and submit his report to the Panel. His job is done in the context of the parties’ consultations. The information gathered under the Annex V procedure is properly relied on in support of serious prejudice claims against certain alleged subsidies. The Panel will determine whether the same information can be also used in the context of the prohibited subsidies claims concerning the same alleged subsidies.
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    The “Development” of Civil Society in the 1990s Bangladesh’s Rural Area and the State Domination
    ZHANG Wen-Ming
    2012, 44 (2):  82-87. 
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    As Asian latedeveloping countries have started entering an era of development and growth, how to define “rural civil society” is becoming a wide concerned discussion topic. Especially in the 1990s, there emerged a lot of wellknown nongovernmental organizations, growing so rapid in Bangladesh. This paper makes a study on the possibility of civil society in latedeveloping agricultureoriented countries through an analysis of backgrounds and specific roles of NGO as well as their relations with state domination. This paper argues that a real civil society can not be formed in Bangladesh at present, though there have been some organizations of civil society. This is because it is short of “interest appeals” to capital controls in the context of industrialization and lacks the public character of “interest appeal” either. The development of such a civil society can only focus on the specific level of “capital distribution”.
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    The Legal Evolution, Practical Dilemma and Path Selection of China’s Democratic Autonomy in Rural Areas
    XIE Wei
    2012, 44 (2):  88-94. 
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    In the developmental course of our country’s rural grassroots democracy, the villagers’ autonomy has experienced a change from “Great Democracy” to institutional democracy, and the Organic Law of Villagers Committees of the People's Republic of China has played an important role. The law which has undergone major revisions has enlarged the participation scale of rural grassroots democratic autonomy, and has further normalized procedures of democratic election, consultation, management and supervision. While the construction of democracy is a longterm and systematic course, there are still some practical dilemmas such as deficiency of participative inner forces and conflict between autonomic right and administrative power. It is necessary to form a resultant force of path selection in respects of subject orientation, macro policy, democratic procedure and institutional guarantee so as to ensure the construction of rural grassroots democracy to develop with a steady pace.
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    The New International Division of Labor, Competitiveness of Manufacturing Industry and Development of China’s Producer Services
    TANG Hai-Yan
    2012, 44 (2):  95-101. 
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    The theoretical developments of manufacturing industry and producer services have provided a useful analytical framework for the interaction and integration of these two industries under the condition of new international division of labor. After a certain development phase of manufacturing industry, professional requirements of manufacturing industry to producer services will definitely increase. At the same time, the development of producer services also promotes upgrades of manufacturing industry. However, the chain that China’s producer services promote upgrading of manufacturing industry is very weak. This paper argues that it is the system bottleneck which leads to a weak chain effect. The key measure is to promote a “marriage effect” between state owned producerservice firms and state owned manufacturing enterprises. The cooperation can also avoid a “hollow out effect”, which is very popular in the postindustrialization era. The business innovation, mode innovation and product innovation based on the interaction and integration of producer services and manufacturing industry are fundamental methods to quicken up a development of China’s producerservice industry.
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    The Industrial Monopoly, Technical Progress and Industrial Income Gap 
    ——An Analysis Based on Twodigit Industries
    1、Kong-Qing-Yang , 2、Huang-Ji-Sheng
    2012, 44 (2):  102-110. 
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    Generally, China's industrial sector has made significant technical progress and also increased the industrial income gap. The market structure will affect industrial technical progress. Those monopoly industries get obvious technical changes, but their technical efficiency has been deteriorated, while competitive industries obtain comparative advantages in technical efficiency. Technical changes have widened the trade income gap, but the pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency have narrowed the gap on the contrary. A path widening the gap starts from industrial monopoly to capital deepening, then to technical changes, and then to trade income gap. From the view of the trade income gap and technological progress, China's industrial and technical progresses have an extensive feature. The cost of delaying reform may be higher due to the time cumulative effect of trade income gap.
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    The Local Market Fragmentation and Foreign Capital Preference during the Transitional Period
    HU Li-Fa
    2012, 44 (2):  111-117. 
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    The local market fragmentation is in essence the fact that the local government takes various administrative measures to intervene market so as to protect local enterprises and market. It has produced in some relatively independent economic areas some economic system foundations which have resulted in China’s preference for foreign capital. It has fomented local government officials’ promotion incentives. It has led to a situation in which local enterprises have become uncompetitive and foreign enterprises have improved their bargaining ability so that they can enter a host country with more competitiveness than local enterprises. It has intensified local government’s corporateoriented behavior to strive for external resources and develop an “exportoriented strategy”.
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    On the Relationship between Zhu Xi’s Studies of Classics and Writing Ancientstyle Essays
    FANG Xiao-Yi
    2012, 44 (2):  118-122. 
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    As a master of NeoConfucianism in the Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi wrote many ancientstyle essays which were related to his studies on Confucian classics .The relationship between his studies on classics and essays deserves attention. Zhu often quoted from the Book of History in creating his memorials to the emperor in order to give some advice to him and lead him to accept the system of his own NeoConfucianism. He paid more attention to his feelings, experiences and interests in reading Confucian classics than those Confucians in the Northern Song, and expressed his tastes in his writing ancientstyle essays. In his writing styles of “record” and “preface”, he deepened these essays’ theses by his interpretations or reflections of classics. His essays are therefore rich in their implications.
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    The Polysemous “Sending”
    ——A Symbolic Anthropologic Analysis of Hong Xiuquan’s “Narration of Unusual Dreams”
    CHU Xiao-Bai
    2012, 44 (2):  123-128. 
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    There was an unusual dream narration in almost all of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom’ books. The cause of this narration lay in the requirements of Chinese folk beliefs, which were based on traits of family ethics. The Religion of Worship of God (RWG) of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was not like the Christian tradition, which placed “sending” of Christ, a singular form in time, at the centre of the Christian belief, creatively transforming it into a plural form in space. However, this was a creative measure taken by Hong Xiuquan and the RWG to remedy the problem between Christian faith and native consciousness. The key of this transformation was a special understanding and utilization of “sending”.
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    A New Study on Terms of “South and North” and “East and West”
    WANG Yun-Lu
    2012, 44 (2):  129-132. 
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    “East, west, south and north” are the most cardinal points of location. In Chinese language, however, “dong xi” (literally, east west) and “nan bei” (literally, south north) are asymmetrical in their respective used frequency, and their semantic evolutions are quite different as well. The meanings of “dong xi” evolve from “location” to “nearness” and then to “stuff”, while the term of “nan bei” derives from the meaning of “long distance” since there is a distance of 200,033,500 li plus 75 steps between north and south poles in ancients’ imagination.
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    A Supplement of 101 Poems to Collected Poems in the Song Dynasty
    PENG Guo-Zhong
    2012, 44 (2):  133-141. 
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    In accordance with relevant historical materials, this paper supplements 101 poems and 62 poetic remnants to Collected Poems in the Song Dynasty.
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    The Timeliness of “Dunhuang Impression”
    1、Hu-Fan-Zhu , 2、Hu-Yi-Ming
    2012, 44 (2):  142-145. 
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    In the history of modern Chinese fine arts Kong Baiji’s painting of “Dunhuang Impression” deserves special attention, though it is perhaps not very famous. This is not only because it is a birth mark of the “oil painting on xuan paper” which melts Oriental and Western cultures, but also because it embraces a kind of complicated and profound timeliness, presenting a double possibility of “content’s complete transformation into form” and “material’s complete melt into form”. Accordingly, it sets an excellent example for an expansion of philosophy of art.
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    The Prior Attitude in the Discourse
     ——A Reflection Based on Intentionality
    ZHANG Xian-Gang
    2012, 44 (2):  146-151. 
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    This paper is initiated by a study on the concept of “prior intention” in philosophy. The existence of prior attitude is presumed here and how to analyze it in the discourse is studied. The hypothesis of existence of prior attitude in the discourse is based on studies of John Searl’s speech act and intentionality. This hypothesis is verified in theoretical frameworks of M.A.K. Halliday’s systematic functional linguistics and J. R. Martin’s appraisal theory. The hypothesis is valuable in a discourse analysis.
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