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Volumn Content

    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 2011 Vol.43
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    The Research Area and Methodology for Phenomenology of Mind and Nature
    Ni Liang-kang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 1-8.  
    Abstract1448)   HTML16)    PDF(pc) (1853KB)(786)       Save
    “The phenomenology of mind and nature” contains two aspects. One is that it takes consciousness and its essence as its study object; in other words, it is concerned with “mind and nature” in content. And the other is that it takes phenomenological structural descriptions and genetic expositions as its basic approaches. That is to say, it is concerned with “phenomenological” in methodology. The main task of mind-nature phenomenology aims at grasping the essential connection between consciousness’ essential and other factors through reflections and ideation. Such an essential connection means a kind of connection of essential factors in their static structure, and also their connections in the genetic history. Correspondingly, the method of horizontal or vertical essential intuition is employed.
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    The Most Basic Form of Correlative Thinking – The BinaryOpposition of Yin and Yang
    Yu Jia
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 9-15.  
    Abstract1474)   HTML17)    PDF(pc) (1791KB)(703)       Save

    The most basic form of correlative thinking is a polar yin-yang opposition. In order to understand this form, the pair of correlative thinking and metaphoric thinking, the binary opposition of order and disorder, the binary opposition of life and death, and also the generating and overcoming cycles of five elements (wu xing), are examined. At the same time, the connections of these key words in Chinese philosophy are interpreted.

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    A Study on Accelerating China’s Transformation of the Foreign Economic Development Mode in the Post-crisis Era
    Tang Hai-yan;Jia De-kui &Bi Yu-jiang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 16-23.  
    Abstract1432)   HTML15)    PDF(pc) (1723KB)(336)       Save

    The international environment in the post-crisis era is favorable for accelerating the transformation speed of China’s foreign economic development mode. Those pivotal restrictive factors that have blocked the transformation process are structurally unbalanced, lack of innovation abilities, faulty economic mechanisms and interactions among them. This paper argues that it is feasible to build an integrated evaluation system to judge the transformation extent. It is important to guarantee the transformation process by building a relative risk warning system. The foreign economic transformation process should follow scientific general principles and systemic countermeasures. China should transform its foreign economic development from a traditional outside depended and extensive mode into a balanced, comprehensive and intensive mode.

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    Resistances and countermeasures of China’s rural-urban integration
    Zhang Yong-Yue
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 24-31.  
    Abstract1394)   HTML14)    PDF(pc) (2755KB)(387)       Save
    China’s rural-urban integration has 30 years history,which is mainly promoted by the governments’ administration。As the establishing of market economy,the market’s power of assigning resources became visible。The resistance of cities’ developing 、the lag of the rural economy and urban-rural dual structure are the main problems of china’s rural-urban integration。 Promoting the upgrading of industrial structure and increasing the agriculture surplus,exploring rural-urban integration modes that suits local circumstances,balance the power of the government and markets,will be the basic task of China’s rural-urban integration。
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    The Mutually Complement-oriented Development Strategy and Policies of China’s Domestic and Foreign Demands
    Zhou Lian-shi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 32-38.  
    Abstract1303)   HTML14)    PDF(pc) (2211KB)(359)       Save
    The negative effect of the export-oriented strategy carried out in our country for a quite long time is ever appearing, while the negative effect of the domestic demand-oriented strategy is also obvious. However, the domestic-foreign demand mutually complement-oriented development strategy may avoid these shortcomings of the above-mentioned two strategies so as to ensure fulfilling the multi-targets of economic security and overall growth and employment increase. Being fit for the national circumstances, it should be a correct selection for the long-term national foreign economic development strategy. Consequently, it is necessary to construct a more specific and comprehensive system of economic policies, based on the macro economic policy model designed by Jan Tinbergen, to guarantee a realization of the national domestic-foreign demand complement-oriented strategy.
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    The Source of China’s Expected Inflationary Uncertainty and Its Impact on Macro Economy
    Su Zhi-fang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 39-47.  
    Abstract1592)   HTML14)    PDF(pc) (2099KB)(603)       Save
    To measure reasonably inflation uncertainty and identify properly its sources have great policy implication for the government to manage effectively inflation expectation. This paper applies time-varying parameter model with Markov regime switching Heteroskedasticity to decompose inflation uncertainty into structural uncertainty and impulse uncertainty, and to investigate which one is dominant, then to test their impact on the volatility of macroeconomic. The result shows that impulse uncertainty played the dominant role and the structural one decreased after 1996, which can be well explained by the traits of the economic transformation, the evolvement of macro-control and the external shocks. And the further analysis finds that different sources of inflation uncertainty have different impacts on macroeconomic activities. Further analysis find impulse uncertainty increases the volatility of output growth. However structural uncertainty slows down the volatility of output growth, but this effect is not obvious.
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    Critique of Dogmatism, Logic and Dialectical Argument ——Fengqi’s exploration
    JIN Rong-dong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 48-54.  
    Abstract1722)   HTML14)    PDF(pc) (1776KB)(533)       Save
    Fengqi reveals that one of weaknesses of dogmatism lies in its neglect of the intersubjective dimension of thinking and the debates among opinions as the basic approach to truth, and makes a proposal of criticizing dogmatism through developing logic and emphasizing logical argument. Even though his understanding of logic is still restricted to the frame of subjective-objective relationship and the essential principles of methodology of his own cannot effectively overcome the weakness of dogmatism, Fengqi’s attempt to trace dialectic in Hegelian and Marxist sense back to dialectic as the art of argumentation, and the theoretical potentiality of the concept of dialectical argument show that there is a possibility of making his proposal be more fruitful.
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    A Study on the Theory of Value: From Zhang Dai-nian to Feng Qi
    Liu Jing-fang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 55-60.  
    Abstract1497)   HTML17)    PDF(pc) (1704KB)(285)       Save
    The intellectual circles generally agree to such a view that axiological studies started from the 1980s in China. In a sense this assertion ignores some philosophers’ efforts. They started their philosophical inquiries as early as in the 1930s, stressing traditional Chinese philosophy and meanwhile approving of Marxism. In the 1930s and 1940s, indeed, Zhang Dai-nian put forth his original viewpoints around the nature, structure and standard of value. Owing to the epochal limitations, his views remained lopsided, which was later rectified to a certain extent by Feng Qi.
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    Exploiting the Philosophical Origin of the Binding Force of Contracts
    Chen Rong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 61-69.  
    Abstract1417)   HTML17)    PDF(pc) (1743KB)(670)       Save
    The concept of Causa in Civil Law system originated in ancient Roman law. In the 14th century, the Commentators found the general theory of Causa when interpreting the texts of Roman law through Aristotelian and Thomistic philosophical conceptions. In 16th century, late scholastics achieved the synthesis between Roman law and Aristotelian and Thomistic moral philosophy. They concluded that the promises are enforceable if they are made for the virtues of liberty and commutative justice. The insufficiency of modern contract theory implies the philosophical advantage of the doctrine of Causa. Legal science can not be isolated from philosophy. Laws should be rooted in moral, improve human virtue, and reflect the multiple pursuits in promises.
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    Economic Analysis of Evolution of Liabilities for Damage
    WANG Yi &HUANG Yong-feng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 70-76.  
    Abstract1472)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (1774KB)(414)       Save
    Ownership of the right to revenge is the most important constraint faced by people when society is to choose the form of liability for harm. The evolution of liabilities accompanies the confirmation of the right to revenge, which facilitates the exchange between perpetrators and victims. The shift from private relief to public relief reflects a transformation to different arrangements in contract for exchange and to different efficiency. Therefore, from the perspective of economic analysis, liabilities are mechanisms adopted to effectuate the exchange between harm and punishment, which takes the right to revenge as the subject matter; the evolution of liabilities in essence equals the development of exchange of the right to revenge.
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    The Conflict and Reconciliation of China’s Criminal Judicature with UN Convention against Corruption
    Su Min-hua⊃&Wang Yong-jie⊃
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 77-82.  
    Abstract1311)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (1705KB)(332)       Save
    Corruption is one of the issues that both our country and people pay very much attention to. How to effectively fight against the corruption related crimes by making full use of the mechanism proscribed by UN Convention against Corruption deserves our serious consideration. This paper examines the conflicts between China’s criminal substantial law, procedural law and UN Convention against Corruption, analyses the issue of how to make our criminal law consistent with the Convention, and accordingly discusses how to improve out criminal justice system to fight against corruption.
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    Yan Fu and the Cultural Transformation of Modern China
    Huang ke-wu
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 83-89.  
    Abstract1551)   HTML19)    PDF(pc) (1801KB)(825)       Save
    This paper takes Yan Fu as an example to investigate the complicated process of cultural transformation in modern China. Yan, who had studied abroad, belonged to the first generation of new intellectuals, but he was also strongly influenced by traditional values and lifestyles, and he displayed certain “anti-enlightenment” features. This paper argues that Yan, influenced by elements of both tradition and modernity, was to a certain extent contradictory and “janus-faced.” Yet he was also consistent in combining his modernizing project with his ultimate concerns that derived from Buddhism and Daoism. This case study indicates that Chinese modernizing intellectuals searched for Western ideas while at the same time they did not completely reject Chinese tradition. Their ideal was to combine the strengths of China and the West in order to establish a China which transcended Western modernity.
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    The Year of Death and Other Facts of Jiang Qizhang, the First Chief Editor of Shen Bao
    Wu Guo-yi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 90-94.  
    Abstract1313)   HTML12)    PDF(pc) (1784KB)(538)       Save
    As the first chief editor of Shen Bao, Jiang Qizhang’s year of death remains unclear. New evidence has shed light on this issue: he died on 13, February, 1892 at the age of 50. In addition, this article also reveals some new findings of his life when serving as the think tank of the governor of Shandong Province.
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    On the Historical Changes of Gentry’s Right in the Late Qing Dynasty
    Yang Guo-qiang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 95-102.  
    Abstract1570)   HTML14)    PDF(pc) (1853KB)(473)       Save
    In the early Qing Dynasty, the gentry’s right was suppressed. In the following 200 years, the gentries in their hometown were adapted to the norms of state power, thus most of them can not arouse trouble among the local people. After the Taiping Movement started from Southeast China, in order to defend the territory, the local officials had to recruit soldiers and raise their provisions. All these things had to be done by the gentries, inevitably it brought about the rising of gentry’s right with the help of state power. In the following 50 years, the newly increased right of the gentries on the one hand cooperated with the government, on the other hand confronted with the government. With the pouring of Western Study trend and changing of traditional society, the old term of gentry’s right got its new significance.
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    Imperial Examination System, the GongMing concept and Society of Knowledge People in Near-Modern China
    Shen jie
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 103-112.  
    Abstract1848)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (1815KB)(618)       Save
    The Imperial Examination System was the most important approach to Identity, Fortune and Prospect for the intellectuals in the history of traditional China. The GongMing concept dominated the fate of the intellectuals and derived its effect to the entire community, which turned into a kind of collective unconsciousness. The GongMing concept had a broad impact even after 1905 when the Imperial Examination System was abolished. For this reason, the Imperial Government developed the system of awarding degrees, which guaranteed the continuation of the incentive economy. The GongMing concept had a lasting influence in the Times of the Republic of China. Based on the diversification of the GongMing concept, this paper analyses the multiple aspect of Society of Knowledge People in Near-Modern China and its long-standing affect. By means of depicting the vicissitude of the GongMing concept, the paper goes on to explain the complex history of knowledge transition and the dilemma of institutional change in modern China.
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    The Mapping from Space of Concept Primitives to Space of Word Meaning Primitives
    Xiao Guo-zheng;Xiao Shan &Guo Ting-ting
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 139-143.  
    Abstract1517)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (1694KB)(656)       Save
    Based on the theory of hierarchical network of concepts (HNC), this paper makes an analysis of the significance of extension from theoretical studies on language information processing to studies on language processing through a discussion of “space” and “concept”, expounds the lexicon planar extension pattern, and tries to link up the conceptual expression in HNC and the structural expression of word meaning primitives in the theory of “synset-allolex”. In engineering such an extension shows a semantic network construction with techniques of language information processing, and in theory it may be generalized as the mapping from space of concept primitives to space of word meaning primitives
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    A Study on Constitutions of the Chinese Directive Speech Act
    Fan Xiao-ling
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (1): 144-149.  
    Abstract1421)   HTML11)    PDF(pc) (1699KB)(526)       Save
    The directive speech act is very important in a speech act. Finding its distinctive elements is the most important thing. There are three distinctive elements between directive speech act and non-directive speech act: intention, state and relationship of the speaker and listener. Meanwhile the forms of a directive speech act depend on how to handle the “discourse power”: stressing the speaker’s discourse power, stressing the listener’s discourse power or suspending the discourse power. There are different levels in the illocutionary force of a directive speech act, and the force level is not relevant to whether the directive speech is direct or not. An indirect directive act in a threat form is much stronger than a direct directive act.
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    What Is the History of Ideas?
    GAO Rui-quan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 1-10.  
    Abstract1641)   HTML27)          Save
    The history of ideas, aiming at studying some key ideas’ generation and development in human spiritual changes, is a part of human beings’ efforts to know themselves. Its task is to seek for true ideas, including truth of the idea content, consistency between the idea user’s actual belief and attitude implied in the idea, and real vitality of the idea pushing social actions forward. The history of ideas deals with not only the structure of thought but also its process, and focuses on not only the issue of how people should think but also how to think in reality. How to deal with the relation of “thought” to “history” is concerned with vertically how to solve the issue of the idea’s genesis and social rootedness, and horizontally how to find out the location of a certain idea in its contemporary idea family tree and the connection between the idea history and other academic studies. The history of ideas is never a chronological history which merely narrates “idea units”. The critical history of ideas pays close attention to various elements coming from the history of civilization, and the method of pedigree is equally important like logical analysis.
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    The Linguistic Context Change as a Solution to Paradoxes
    JIA Guo-heng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 11-16.  
    Abstract1437)   HTML20)          Save
    The solution to a paradox should expound laws of a true or false paradox, but not determine whether it is specifically true or false. The linguistic contextual change solution is a new solution to a paradox. Differing from a traditional solution, it focuses on mutual relations of meaning and true value both in a normal sentence and in a paradoxical sentence so as to solve a paradox. Such a solution is closely in accordance with people’s intuition and has a natural advantage.
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    The Paraconsistent Logic as a Solution to Paradoxes
    HAO Xu-dong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 17-21.  
    Abstract1323)   HTML19)          Save
    Paraconsistent logic is a non-classical logic which can embrace a “contradiction”. Such a contradiction is called as a “true contradiction”. According to paraconsistent logic, a logical paradox is a “true contradiction”, which can be accepted by its system. As a solution to a paradox, paraconsistent logic cuts off disadvantageous effects of a paradox on the system. The paradoxical solution in the sense of isolation is important in reality and has a value of philosophy of logic.
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    The Emotionalist ethics of Confucian ---to discuss “the son screen for the father from blame” again
    Wang Meiling
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 22-28.  
    Abstract1386)   HTML21)          Save
    If the events such as the son screen for the father from blame be properly understood, they must be under the Chinese culture of filial piety. The son who screen for the father from blame is to safeguard the feelings between the father and the son or to realize filial duty and the behavior of the son is determined by the emotion to the father. Confucius paid the same attention to “screen” and “advise”, but the later ages only inherit “screen”. Therefore the behavior of the son is going to an extreme.
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    Seeking for “Harmony”: The Chinese Traditional Medical Theory in a Perspective of Traditional Philosophy
    CHEN Li-yun &YAN Shi-yun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 29-36.  
    Abstract1394)   HTML19)          Save
    Being a quite special philosophical idea in traditional Chinese culture, “harmony” has become one of Chinese nation’s inherent values and loft ideals. The traditional Chinese medical studies, emerging from traditional culture, all penetrate the idea of “harmony”, which finds expression in harmony of life and spirit, harmony of various parts within human body, and harmony of human beings and nature. The loss of harmony is a fundamental cause for disease, and the target of treatment aims at harmony. All these doctrines have developed into a complete system and become key principles of traditional Chinese medicine.
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    The Emergence of Liberalism in China and Its Significance in the Period of after World War II
    ZHANG Qing
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 37-47.  
    Abstract1561)   HTML18)          Save
    In the period of after World War II the Chinese evolution of liberalism does have its points worth to be focused. There were quite a few magazines marked with a "liberalism" footing, and many monographs discussing "liberty" and "liberalism" were published. Furthermore, "liberalism" also emerged as a political force, in addition to a group of intellectuals’ objective. In fact, as a political discourse, the question of "what is liberalism" or "where liberalism can go" began to be discussed widely after the war. It is hard to imagine that the real history of China’s liberalism could be re-constructed without addressing the above facts. Obviously, a clearer "picture of thoughts" about "China’s liberalism" can be attained when it is put into a longer history of modern Chinese thoughts. The fact that the understanding of China’s liberalisms falls into the pursuit of "justification" actually reflects those problems puzzling people’s efforts to describe "liberalism" in the Chinese-speaking world.
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    The Fund Raising for Local “New Government” in Zhejiang Province during the Late Qing Dynasty
    HOU Peng
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 48-55.  
    Abstract1239)   HTML16)          Save
    In the late Qing Dynasty a wide range of fund-raising activities were carried out in every province for implementation of local “new government and policy”. With varieties of the tax source and diversity of tax-collectors, those activities cause reorganizations of the local authority structure. In Zhejiang Province the fund-raising was used for local education and police force. Its source of income included various contributions and some official subsidies. Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, the whole activity did not form a complete specification of payments. A study on such an event can help us examine social influences of "New Policy" in the late Qing in a more geographical detail.
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    The Little Mysterious Folk Shorthand Writing – “Hua Shu”
    QIU Jian-li &LI Xue-chang
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 56-64.  
    Abstract1884)   HTML21)          Save
    “Hua Shu” (dazzling numeral and character symbols) is a special series of numbers and words used by some accountants who were either in charge of dealing in farmland or collecting land rental for landowners in the region of Suzhou from the Ming and Qing dynasty to the Republic of China. “Hua Shu” consists of “numbers” and “characters”:the numbers here refer to the Suzhou numerals and Chinese numbers in figure while the “characters” here refer to a set of symbols of measurement which indicate farmland unit of area and capacity of rental grain, as well as monetary unit. Taking scripts clipped from rental books in Suzhou and Shanghai archives, deciphering and identifying them word by word, this paper argues that “Hua Shu” is a set of shorthand notations rather than a set of secret marks, and that it is very easy and simple to learn and to write.
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    From Shanghai Businessmen to New Shanghai Businessmen ----An Integration and Elevation of Entrepreneurship and Social Network in an Institutional Perspective
    YANG Yong
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 65-73.  
    Abstract1337)   HTML17)          Save
    From Chinese reform and opening up to the outside, Shanghai has achieved great economic accomplishment. And an important reason to Shanghai’s economic development is its special business culture tradition. Based on the perspective of institution, this paper analyzes the form and development of Shanghai Businessman and the rise of New Shanghai Businessman, discussing the role of entrepreneurship and social network capital. The conclusion indicates that Shanghai business culture promotes the development of Shanghai Businessman through entrepreneurship and social network capital. New Shanghai Businessman has a clear inherited characteristic with Shanghai Businessman, and rise by the way of affinity between the macro-social background of Shanghai and special trait of New Shanghai Businessman.
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    A Further Study on Effects of Brand Individuality Recognition upon Brand Extension Evaluation ----A Concurrent Study on Shanghai Guan Sheng Yuan Group Company’s Strategies of Its Brand Extension
    HE Jia-xun
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 74-83.  
    Abstract1443)   HTML16)          Save
    This article extends a study on influence mechanism of perceived brand personality on brand extension evaluation, and finds the interaction effects of perceived brand personality and perceived quality of extension on brand extension evaluation. By testing a Chinese time-honored brand through a survey sample data of three cities in China, it is found that the salient perception of “humanity” moderates the effects of perceived quality of extension on the feedback evaluation to family brand beliefs, whereas a salient perception of “vogue” moderates effects of the perceived quality of extension on the brand extension typicality. The brand extension strategy of Shanghai Guan Sheng Yuan Group and its implications for the image re-building of Chinese old brands are also discussed.
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    From Philosophy of History to Literature ----Some Issues That Should Be Clarified in Studies of Marxist and Leninist Essays on Literature and Art
    GU Zu-zhao
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 84-92.  
    Abstract1440)   HTML16)          Save
    It is a former Soviet Union Marxist-Leninist essayists’ one-sidedness to explain the Marxist view of literature merely as a realistic view. In order to restore its original features it is necessary to clarify its philosophical perspectives of history and other relevant issues. F. Engels has used some terms of the Marxist philosophy of history in the theory of literature and taken aesthetical and historical criticisms as the highest criteria. Through a clarification of historical visions of the Marxist outlook on literature, we may further describe its core of “world literature” and major theoretical constituents.
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    Historical Changes and Inspirations of the Chinese Communist Party’s Marxist Faith
    HUANG Ming-li &CHEN Yue
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 93-98.  
    Abstract1545)   HTML18)          Save
    From an ordinary foreign doctrine into the Chinese Communist Party members’ key political faith, Marxism has gone through a tortuous historical development in China. During the period of New Democratic Revolution the subject of Marxist faith had an expansion from the minority advanced people to whole revolutionary class. During the period from the founding of PRC to the “Great Cultural Revolution” it went through a transformation from rational to irrational. Sine the period of reform and opening up it has displayed a complicated ascendance. On the whole the Marxist faith in China presents a fine interaction between innovation of faith object and rationality of faith subject.
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    A Study on the Chinese Communist Party’s Major Experience in Its Leading Social Trends of Thought during the Period of New Democratic Revolution
    SONG Jin &JIANG Yu-qi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 99-105.  
    Abstract1491)   HTML17)          Save
    During the period of New Democratic Revolution the Chinese Communist Party accumulated important experiences in its leading social trends of thought, finding expression in its consciously solving epochal key problems, establishing the people’s position as value body, scientifically treating traditional Chinese culture and foreign cultures, constructing Marxist explaining paradigms with Chinese characteristics, strengthening work of ideological and political education, and developing advanced Chinese culture.
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    Marx’ Thought of People’s Livelihood and Its Contemporary Practical Inspirations
    JIANG Jin-hong &WANG Hui
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 106-112.  
    Abstract1507)   HTML15)          Save
    According to a contemporary contextual understanding of Marx’ certain thoughts and theories, there are plentiful ideas of people’s livelihood in his classical works, expressing his deep concerns of the masses’ living standards and developments. It is helpful to expound Marx’ thought of people’ livelihood in his theory of life needs for our current social reconstruction.
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    A Rediscovery of the “South of the Yangtze River” ----A Study on the “Identity of South of the Yangtze River” in Chinese History and Literature
    HU Xiao-ming
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 113-123.  
    Abstract1550)   HTML19)          Save
    The term of “south of the Yangtze River” in history was full of cultural and ideological resources and yet shortage of a modern scientific definition, while the “identity of south of the Yangtze River” was a concept derived from influential cultural materials and various images. In a transitive process from a political to cultural identity, literature tended to play a great role. The cognitive identity of south of the Yangtze River took shape during the period of Southern and Northern dynasties, and meanwhile the identity of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River did not disappear. They both have always coexisted and affected each other.
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    A Literary Essay like “a Jade Suit with Fine Gold Wire”: Wang Rong’s Preface to Poems Composed near Waters on March 3
    LIN Xiao-guang &CHEN Yin-chi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 124-132.  
    Abstract1527)   HTML18)          Save
    Preface to Poems Composed near Waters on March 3, was one of writings by the Southern-dynasty man of letters Wang Rong. It follows strict orders in using classical allusions and employs complicated and graceful means of literary writing, thus constructing a multi-layer work full of architectural beauty. Through it we may have a better understanding of literature under the Southern Dynasty.
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    The Housing Crisis and Policy in the History of Germany (1918 – 1924) ----A Concurrent Study on Validity and Limitation of a Controlled Housing Pattern
    MENG Zhong-jie
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 133-138.  
    Abstract1362)   HTML15)          Save
    After the World War I a severe housing crisis appeared in Germany. With emergence of various housing policies, the Weimar regime released the crisis. The so-called flat economic compulsion had dual characteristics including its validity and limitations in resolving housing problems.
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    An Analysis of Real Estate Rental and Its Substitution for Investment ----A Focus on U.S.A.
    CUI Pei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 139-146.  
    Abstract1325)   HTML15)          Save
    Real estate is either essential material for production and living or expensive investment goods. This paper discloses that renters of real estate are virtually real estate investors, and the core role of modern real estate industry is a result of evolutions of labor division. This research discovers that renters of real estate have a substitution effect for real estate investment by transferring direct investment on real estate to investment on real estate leasing companies. This paper points out that this effect helps to abate a conflict between supply and demand on real estate asset market, increase effective real estate service supply, form real estate tenure choice mechanism, and make sense for solving the problem of too fast increasing of housing price and high empty rate of sold residential real estate in China.
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    A Review of the Development of Social Housing in Holland
    HU Jin-xing &CHEN Jie
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (2): 147-151.  
    Abstract1287)   HTML14)          Save
    A well-working social rental housing system is a basic experience of solving the housing problem successfully in the Netherlands. This article summaries briefly the development process of the Dutch social housing; then it gives a deep research on the development experience of Dutch social housing, including the supplier, service groups, sources of financing, the role of government, and then further analyses the problems of social housing; Finally, this paper discusses the policy implications of Dutch experience to the development of public rental housing system in China.
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    The Critical Spirit of Taoist School
    Feng Dawen
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (3): 1-8.  
    Abstract1481)   HTML25)          Save
    Taoists concern deeply with the separation of human being from the cosmos, the social and political disputes and the splitting of the Art of Tao. The separation of human being from the cosmos results from anthropologically subjective impulse which tries to break away from its natural rootedness. Human being becomes more and more strange with the cosmos, and loses its basis of existence gradually. The separation of human being from the cosmos also results from the enlightenment of mentality and the invention of tool. Social progress and civilization bring tragic fate to human being at last! Laozi criticizes the progress and civilization based on cosmology, and constructs his social idea of “Back to Nature”; whereas Zhuangzi introduces his “consciousness of absurdity” and “art of life” based on the reflection of the validity of human cognition.
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    Conscience and Justice: The Construction of Natural Law in China
    LI Hong-wei
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (3): 9-15.  
    Abstract1490)   HTML24)          Save
    In western natural law or theory of natural order, individual’s equality and inner restraint were based on the theory of universal reason which was in everyone self. The concept of conscience transcending secular value as ‘Tianli’ which Wang Yangming developed really make individual to be a citizen of the universe, so everyone’s equality was made. Confucianism convinced that one’s equality was derived from his born virtue. Social arbitrament only depends on one social system from public reason based on exchange of peoples’ conscience.
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    On Tang Chun-i’s Theory of “Idealistic World”
    Hu Yan
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (3): 16-21.  
    Abstract1644)   HTML23)          Save
    Tang Chun-i’s view of nature, i.e. a theory of the relation between self and nature, has been at least slightly neglected by researchers, but it is undoubtedly rather important to understand Tang’s idealism. Tang’s viewpoint about it contains three parts. Concerning ontologically, he holds there is a thing-in-itself, it can be transformed into humanized nature as mental activity; Epistemologically, the order of nature is mainly derived from the manners of mental activity, simultaneously he transfers the knowledge of nature into the knowledge of mind; In discussing the value theory, he reduces principally natural value to ego’s needs, and he also regards self as soul. Given mentioned above, Tang’s view on idealistic world emphasizes the role of mind too excessively, while he doesn’t grasp exactly the relation between self and nature .Therefore, Tang would not be aware of the character of ideal self completely. It confines, to a great extent, his constitution on self which would be conformed with the times.
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    John Rawls and Social Minimum
    YAO Da-zhi
    Journal of East China Normal University (Philosoph    2011, 43 (3): 22-27.  
    Abstract1795)   HTML31)          Save
    Social justice is related closely to social minimum, and it is unimaginable for social justice without social minimum. In his A Theory of Justice, John Rawls proposes a theory of social justice that has a conception of social minimum, which is different from the conception of utilitarian social minimum. Firstly, John Rawls’ conception of social minimum is based on the principles of justice, while the social minimum of utilitarianism is based on human needs; Secondly, John Rawls’ social minimum is a kind of institution, and the social minimum of utilitarianism is a kind of principle; Finally, a social minimum is indeed related to human needs, but human needs may be defined by the citizenship of persons.
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